encodedName: Information HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/ciudadano/administracion-abierta/semana-administracion-abierta-2023/informacion/index.html


Open Government Week is a global initiative promoted by the Open Government Partnership (Open Gov Week), which in 2023 will be held in Spain from 20 to 24 March. Its main objective is to bring the Public Administrations closer to the citizenry, based on the principles of Open Government: transparency, accountability, citizen participation, public integrity and collaboration.

Different types of events will be held such as:

  • Presentation of plans
  • Open days
  • Workshops
  • Seminars/webinars
  • Launch of participatory processes (consultations)
  • Debates/discussions/Interviews
  • Launch of virtual content (website, applications, etc)
  • Presentation of publications
  • Contests/ Hackathon
  • Institutional advertising campaigns

On the occasion of the holding of elections in Spain in 2023, it has been agreed to advance the organization of the Open Government Week 2023 to the month of March, so it will not coincide with the official days of the Open Government Week 2023.

In Spain, the Open Administration Week is coordinated and promoted by the General Directorate of Public Governance, with the collaboration of the Open Government Forum.

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