encodedName: Open-administration-week-2024 HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/ciudadano/administracion-abierta/semana-administracion-abierta-2024/index.html


The purpose of Open Administration Week is to organize events to bring Public Administrations closer to citizens, based on the principles of Open Government: transparency, accountability, citizen participation, public integrity and collaboration. For this reason the Segura Hydrographic Confederation, O.A. will organize a visit on June 12, 2024 to one of its facilities.

This visit will be to the Ojós dam (Azud), which is located in the municipality of Blanca in the province of Murcia. This dam is located on the bed of the Segura River.

The visit will be in the morning, with an estimated duration of 4 hours, including transportation.

To participate in this activity, prior registration is essential by sending an email to administracion.abierta@chsegura.es with the following information:

  • Subject: Visit Azud de Ojós
  • Indicating: Name and surname, D.N.I. and a contact email.
  • Optionally, a telephone number can be indicated.

The last day to register will be next June 10.

Those registered will be informed by email of the place and time where they will be picked up for transfer by bus to the place of the visit. Registrations will be processed in order of arrival until capacity is reached.

Certificación ENS media
Certificación ISO 27001