encodedName: Addresses-and-telephone-numbers HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/ciudadano/atencion-al-ciudadano/directorio/index.html

Attention to the citizen

Logo of the General State Administration

General access point Point of general internet access to all Public Administrations, with extensive information and access to online procedures.


This document, once completed, can be sent to the Citizen Service email address ; or use the usual Registration procedures.

Customer Service Mail: segura@chsegura.es

Contact mails

NOTE : Fax and email are NOT valid channels for the submission of requests for administrative procedures, or associated documentation that requires identification of the signatory, since the information received by these means has purely informative, without any binding legal effect arising from it ( RD 208/1996 , which regulates administrative information services and citizen service).

For your electronic referral you can use the Common Electronic Register , to submit any writing or request, or the headquarters electronic from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, for the most common procedures.

If you prefer to do face-to-face , you must use any of the ways provided in article 16.4 of the Law 39/2015 , of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of the Public Administrations (Post Offices, in the diplomatic representations or consular offices of Spain abroad, and in the offices of assistance in the matter of registries).

Please note that, in accordance with article 14.2 of Law 39/2015 of Common Administrative Procedure (LPAC), obliged to interact through electronic means with the Public Administrations to carry out any step of an administrative procedure, among others, the following subjects:

  1. Legal entities.
  2. Entities without legal personality.
  3. Those who carry out a professional activity for which compulsory registration is required, for the procedures and actions they carry out with the Public Administrations in the exercise of said professional activity. In any case, within this group will be understood including notaries and registrars of property and merchants.
  4. Those who represent an interested party who is required to interact electronically with the Administration.
Certificación ENS media
Certificación ISO 27001