encodedName: Unidades-administrativas HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/ciudadano/atencion-al-ciudadano/unidades-administrativas/index.html

Administrative units

There are four administrative units that depend directly on the President (View the organigram through areas and level 28):

Administrative units

The General Secretariat

The main functions of the General Secretariat, according to Royal Decree 984/1989, of 28 Jul, which determines the organic structure, dependent of the President of the Hydrographical Confederations, are the following:

  1. The management of the Government Body operation, related subjects, the Water Council, the Users Assembly and the exercise of the secretary of the mentioned organs.
  2. The General Registry and inner regimen.
  3. The financial and economical activity management, inner Organism accounts, habilitation and paying.
  4. The personal issues processing.
  5. The administrative processing, relative to public information, and the appeals and complaints processing and resolution proposal.
  6. The administrative management in contractual matter, the patrimonial management and the expropriation expedients processing and resolution proposal.
  7. The computing supervision and coordination in administrative matter.
  8. The juridical reports elaboration.

The Hydrological Planning Office

The main functions of the Hydrological Planning Office, according to the Royal Decree 984/1989, of 28 July, which determines the organic structure depending of the President of the Hydrographical Confederations, are the following:

  1. The recompilation and, in that case, realization of the necessary works and studies for the elaboration, monitoring and revision of the basin Hydrologic Plan.
  2. Report about the compatibility with the basin Hydrologic Plan of the actions proposed by the users.
  3. Write the ordination Plans of the extractions on the aquifers declared overexploited or in risk of being, or other salinizated ones.
  4. The basin Hydrologic Planning Office is the Water Council technical support organ.

The boss of the Hydrological Planning Office belongs to the Government Body of the Hydrographical Confederation, to the basin Water Council and to the Hydrological Planning Commission.

The Technical Management Office

The main functions of the Technical Management Office, according to the Royal Decree 281/1994, of 18 February, which determines the organic structure depending of the President of the Hydrographical Confederations, are the following:

  1. Study, project writing, works direction and exploitation and the financed uses with organism founds or entrusted to this by the State, the Autonomous Regions, the Local Corporations, other public or private entities or particulars.
  2. Technical supervision and approval of projects financed with own founds of organism founds.
  3. The acts directed to obtain a more rational water use.
  4. The study and exactions proposals and rates and prices relatives to the water matter fiscal regime and the hydraulic public domain goods, according to the current normative.
  5. The undam orders execution.
  6. The works inspectors and directors designation.
  7. The Technical Director has delegated the competencies of the General Projects Assistant Directors and Works and Treatment and Control of Waters Quality. Also he has delegated the Main Direction of Water to the supervision faculties of the works projects that the State Societies must left to approbation of the Environment Ministry in the territorial ambit of the Segura basin.


The Technical Director belongs to the Assembly and the Government Body of the Hydrographical Confederation, and the Water Council of the basin.

Also the Technical Director is President of the Exploitation Assembly of superficial waters.

The River Policing Authority

The main functions of the River Policing Authority, in accordance with the Royal Decree 984/1989, of 28 Jul, which determines the organic structure depending of the President of the Hydrographical Confederations, are the following:

  1. The proposals of concessions awarding and authorizations referring to waters and beds of public hydraulic domain, also the servitude establishment, unbound and modulation proposals.
  2. The Water Registry of the private water Catalogue and the sewage water pouring Census
  3. The resolution proposals in application of the Regulation of Hydraulic Public Dominion, approved in Royal Decree 849/1986, in 11 Apr, in matter of water policy and its beds.
  4. The inspection and vigilance of the concessions derived works and hydraulic public dominion authorizations.
  5. The exploitation inspection and vigilance of every public water use, whatever titular or juridical regimen it refuges.
  6. The users communities constitution expedients processing and the approval of its regulations and orders, and the related incidents with these communities.
  7. The questions referring the continental water regimen, including the capacities realization and the hydrology studies.
  8. The canons studies and proposals.
  9. The continental water quality analysis and control, and the proposal and monitoring of the quality water programs and the Article 295.4 of the Regulation of Hydraulic Public Dominion. The data obtained in this function exercise will be communicated to the medical authorities when they request them.
  10. The Water Commissioner belongs to the Assembly and the Government Body of the Hydrographical Confederation, as like the Water Council of the basin.
  11. The watching river services direction.
  12. The observation works of public beds.
  13. The statistical elaboration and the monitoring, referred by the Water Law in its fifth additional disposition.
  14. The consumption statistic according to the different water uses.
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