encodedName: Authorized-discharges-census HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/ciudadano/informacion-publica/censo-de-vertidos-autorizados/index.html


Article 254 of the Regulation of the Public Hydraulic Domain, approved by Royal Decree 849/1986, April 11 , establishes that the Basin Organizations will carry a Census of authorized dumping to which citizens will have access in the terms provided in the Law 27/2006, of July 18 , by which The rights of access to information, public participation and access to justice in environmental matters are regulated.

In this sense, and in accordance with section b of article 4 of the Royal Decree 984/1989, of July 28 , it is the function of the Comisaría de Aguas de This Body, the conduct of the Census of wastewater discharge , a task carried out by the Water Quality, Environmental Management and Hydrology Area, which prepares and maintains the aforementioned Census with the content provided in the standard.

The Segura Hydrographic Confederation, aware of the importance of promoting the use of information and telecommunications technologies in its relations with citizens, and committed to rights in terms of access to environmental information, makes available to the The list of authorized discharges in the Segura basin included in the Discharge Census is public.

Vertido de la EDAR de El Raal al azarbe de Los Giles. Murcia

To request a discharge authorization, you can access the necessary documentation in the Virtual office on this website, in the Discharge Request area.

If you plan to request a simplified discharge authorization and if your discharge affects a body of groundwater, you must determine the intrinsic vulnerability of the groundwater body on which it is located.

You can submit the declaration electronically at the following link to the electronic headquarters of the MITECO : https: //sede.miteco.gob.es/portal/site/seMITECO

LAST UPDATED 06/08/2023

Certificación ENS media
Certificación ISO 27001