encodedName: TorrePacheco-San-Javier-purified-water-collector HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/ciudadano/informacion-publica/colector-aguas-depuradas-torrepacheco-san-javier/index.html

Construction Project for the Treated Water Collector of the WWTP of Torre-Pacheco and Los Alcázares to the WWTP of San Javier (Various TT.MM. - Murcia)

File: 07.330-0694/2111

By Resolution of the General Directorate of Water dated January 13, 2023, it has been agreed to authorize the initiation of the public information file of the documents listed below related to the indicated project, for the purposes that are also expressed :

  • Project for the Construction of the Treated Water Collector from the WWTP of Torre-Pacheco and Los Alcázares to the WWTP of San Javier (TT.MM. Varios – Murcia), for the purposes provided for in Law 39/2015, of 1 December October, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.
  • List of assets and rights affected, corresponding to said project for the purposes of the provisions of the Law of December 16, 1954 on forced expropriation and in the Decree of April 26, 1957 approving the Regulation of the Compulsory Expropriation Law. This relationship is included in "Annex 9: Expropriations" of the aforementioned project.

View of the Torre-Pacheco WWTP (aerial) and San Javier (facade)

The ZIP files corresponding to the Project, Environmental Impact Study and Relationship of Affected Assets and Rights are included below. Finally, the XSIG files have been included, which include additional electronic signatures to those already included in the PDFs. All XSIG files are identical to the corresponding PDFs, however they have been included in both PDF and XSIG formats due to the difficulty of opening the latter and to facilitate public access to the content of the files:




View of the spillway of the Torre-Pacheco WWTP to the Rambla del Albujón in May 2022

In addition, the public is informed of the following relevant aspects related to the project:

A) Object of the projected works:

The ultimate goal of the project is to eliminate discharges of treated wastewater into the Mar Menor from the Torre-Pacheco and Los Alcázares treatment plants. For this, it is necessary to define the works at the Construction Project level that allow the connection of already treated water from the Torre-Pacheco and Los Alcázares WWTPs with the San Javier WWTP from where they can reach the Mediterranean.


B) Description of the projected works:

The connection pipe between the WWTP of Torre-Pacheco and Los Alcázares with the WWTP of San Javier, is broken down into the following sections:

  • Section 1. New treated water pipeline from the Torre-Pacheco WWTP to the vicinity of the Los Alcázares WWTP with a length of 5,107 m. The nominal diameter of the pipe will be Ø600 mm, while the material that makes up the pipe will be double-walled corrugated PVC.
  • Section 2. New treated water pipeline from the vicinity of the Los Alcázares WWTP to the connection with the San Javier WWTP with an approximate length of 9,255 m. The conduction in this section is projected with high density polyethylene pipe Ø900mm PN6.
  • Section 3. Connection of the outlet of the treated waters of the WWTP of Los Alcázares to the conduction of section 1 coming from the WWTP of Torre-Pacheco with an approximate length of 89 m. The pipe in this section has the same characteristics as that of section 1.

The Base Bidding Budget for the Works amounts to €13.219.398,66, VAT included.


C) Environmental evaluation of the works:

In December 2022, the General Sub-directorate of Hydraulic Public Domain and Infrastructures communicated “regarding the environmental processing of the PROJECT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE TREATED WATER COLLECTOR OF THE TORRE-PACHECO AND LOS ALCÁZARES WWTP UP TO THE SAN JAVIER WWTP ( TT.MM. VARIOS – MURCIA), once the environmental document presented and the background of the file and reports issued have been analyzed, that the processing of the environmental impact assessment is not appropriate in accordance with the provisions of Law 21/2013, of 9 December, of environmental evaluation”.


Image of the Los Alcázares WWTP


D) Body competent to resolve the procedure: Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.


E) Nature of the decisions to be adopted: Project approval resolution.


F) Availability of information:

The documents submitted for public information are available on the official website of the Segura Hydrographic Confederation at the following URL:


Additionally, they can be examined during business hours at the Hydrological Planning Office of the Segura Hydrographic Confederation, O.A., located at Plaza Fontes nº1, 30001, Murcia.


G) Modalities of participation:

The observations and allegations that it is considered appropriate to present may be addressed to the Hydrological Planning Office of the Segura O.A. Hydrographic Confederation, located at the indicated address, within a period of twenty (20) business days from the last of the publications referred to in article 17.2 of the Regulations of the Compulsory Expropriation Law.

All interested entities and individuals, in the allegations or observations they present, must state the name, surnames, national identity document, address and town of the claimant. When it is sent on behalf of an entity (Town Hall, Community, Association) the position or representation of the person in charge must be documented.


H) Conclusion:

For all these reasons, in accordance with the provisions of article 83 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, as well as the provisions of article 18 of the Law of 16 of December 1954 on forced expropriation and articles 17 and 18 of the Decree of April 26, 1957 approving the Regulations of the Law of Forced Expropriation, is submitted to Public Information, for a period of twenty days, "Project of Construction of the Treated Water Collector of the WWTP of Torre-Pacheco and Los Alcázares to the WWTP of San Javier (TT.MM. Varios – Murcia)”, as well as the attached detailed list of assets and rights whose expropriation is considered necessary; all this in order that the allegations deemed appropriate in relation to it can be formulated.

View of the Mar Menor from Santiago de la Ribera in March 2018

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Certificación ISO 27001