encodedName: Quaternary-aquifer HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/ciudadano/informacion-publica/comunidad-usuarios-masa-agua-subterranea-campo-cartagena/acuifero-cuaternario/index.html

Quaternary Aquifer - Bad Chemical Status Risk

In the Official State Gazette (BOE) dated 03/29 /2023, the announcement of the Segura Hydrographic Confederation, O.A., was published regarding the ex officio initiation of the procedure for the forced constitution of the community of users of the mass groundwater ES050MSBT000000052 – Campo de Cartagena (territorial area of the Quaternary aquifer). INFO-0151/2023.

In order to make this constitution possible, on that same date the census of users was published on this website, which was tentatively established based on the information existing in the database of this Water Commission, so that It could be the subject of public consultation by the owners or their representatives during a period of three months.

Once this period has elapsed and the allegations submitted by the interested parties have been analyzed, the appropriate corrections have been made to the provisional census, and consequently the final voter census has been published for consultation:

Publication of candidatures

Announcement from the Segura Hydrographic Confederation, O.A., on the publication of candidates for the election of the President and members of the drafting Commission, as well as the appointment of the only candidate to form the Commission in charge of drafting the draft Ordinances, Statutes and Regulations that The Central Board of users and its President of the groundwater mass ES050MSBT000000052 – Campo de Cartagena (territorial scope of the Quaternary aquifer) will govern, according to articles 56.1.a), 87 and 88 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2001, of 20 July, which approves the consolidated text of the Water Law and article 228 bis of Royal Decree 665/2023, of July 18, which modifies the Hydraulic Public Domain Regulations, approved by Royal Decree 849/ 1986, April 11.

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Certificación ISO 27001