encodedName: Preliminary-Flood-Risk-Assessment-(EPRI)-3rd-cycle HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/ciudadano/informacion-publica/epri-3-ciclo/index.html

Preliminary flood risk assessment (EPRI). Third planning cycle (2028-2033): Public consultation

Royal Decree 903/2010, of July 9, on the evaluation and management of flood risks, which transposes Directive 2007/60/EC into Spanish legislation, establishes in its article 7 that the basin organizations will draft the preliminary flood risk assessment (hereinafter EPRI). This drafting will be carried out in collaboration with the Civil Protection authorities of the autonomous communities and the General Administration of the State and other competent bodies of the autonomous communities. The same Royal Decree indicates in its article 21 that the preliminary flood risk assessment will be updated no later than December 22, 2018, and every six years thereafter.

To this end, the documentation for the review and update of the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment corresponding to the third flood risk management planning cycle of the Segura Hydrographic Demarcation is presented on this WEB page. It can be consulted for three (3) months, counting from the day following the publication of the corresponding announcement in the BOE and, within that period, contributions may be made and observations and suggestions deemed appropriate addressed to the Segura Hydrographic Confederation, Plaza de Fontes 1, 30001 Murcia . The contributions and observations will be presented in accordance with the provisions of article 16 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations and reference will be made to file INFO 401/2024.</ p>

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