encodedName: Rates HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/ciudadano/tramites/tasas/index.html


The technical reports in records of application for concessions, authorizations of works, facilities and actions in the public hydraulic domain, as well as those subject to the presentation of a responsible statement or prior communication, in accordance with which such records are resolved, they generate a fee charged to the owner for the preparation of said report, according to the Decree number 140 of the Presidency of the Government of February 4, 1960. (BOE number 31 of February 5, 1960), in force in accordance with the provisions of the First Final Provision of Law 25/1998, of July 13, on Character Heritage Benefits Public and as established in Law 8/1989, of April 13, on Public Rates and Prices.

The amounts of these rates, in accordance with article 66.1 of act no. 22/2021, of 28 december, of general state budget for the year 2022 are as follows:


Certificación ENS media
Certificación ISO 27001