encodedName: Overall-file-of-the-CHS HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/confederacion/archivo-general-y-casa-del-agua/archivogeneral/index.html


General information


From Monday to Friday: from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

How to get

Address: Santomera Reservoir s / n ( Ctra . De Fortuna)

Access requirements: Presentation of ID or passport


The General Archive of the Segura Hydrographic Confederation began operating in 1994, as a consequence of the ordination carried out on the documentary funds deposited in a building connected to the Santomera Reservoir, where documentation had been accumulating throughout of time, without order or concert, with the sole intention of preserving it.

As a Historical Archive, it guards documentary funds from the early 20th century, and some from an earlier date, which show the history of this Organism, from its Constituent Assembly on December 5, 1927 (Confederación Sindical Hidrográfica del Segura) to the present day; as well as the actions carried out in the Segura Basin to mitigate the effects of the tragic agony of this basin, always struggling between droughts and floods.

Entrada al archivo

The Segura Hydrographic Confederation is an autonomous body attached to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, with the functions and tasks that are regulated in Royal Legislative Decree 1/2001, of July 20, which approves the consolidated text of the Water Law. As a consequence of the management of the functions and tasks that are its own, various documentary funds have been generated, which are kept in the General Archive of the Hydrographic Confederation.

Consultation in the room

Access to the Investigators' Room for document consultation is free and free, prior identification by DNI, passport or equivalent document, which will be scanned and returned at the time. A copy of it will be attached to the user's file.

The data provided by the user will be treated in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5 , on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, and used only for the provision of our services, and in no case will they be transferred to third parties.

The direct consultation of the original documentation, however, is subject to current legal regulations and the state of conservation and / or description of the funds.

Zona de consulta

Access and consultation rules

  1. For security and conservation reasons, users may only use a laptop and / or loose sheets of paper and pencil, and the use of fountain pens, pens or markers is prohibited while consulting documents. Likewise, the entry of food or drinks will be prohibited.
  2. The Archive makes the funds description instruments available to users. The technical staff of the Room also offers advice and guidance in the investigations carried out by users.
  3. The order of the installation units must be respected and not altered even when they are not foliated. The bundles that may be found must be put back, once the consultation is finished, taking special care not to damage the documents.
  4. In order to avoid irreparable damage to documents, no objects should be placed on them, nor should write, write down or trace on them; avoid bending or leaning on them, as well as any manipulation that may damage, stain or damage documents.
  5. It is not allowed to consult more than one installation unit (box, file) simultaneously. The joint consultation of the same document by two or more users is also not allowed.
  6. The researchers will be responsible for any loss or damage that the documentation they consult may suffer and will undertake to return it in the same order and condition in which it was delivered.
  7. Documents, including consultation instruments, may not be removed from the Consultation Room.
  8. The Archive allows the user to reserve a maximum of 3 installation units, for a period of 7 days, upon leaving their stay in the Room.
  9. The computers available in the Consultation Room will only be able to consult and request documents from the archive, not allowing other uses or the use of their USB ports.
  10. The user must always follow the instructions of the Room staff.
  11. Out of respect for the rest of the users, care must be taken to keep silence inside the Room.
  12. All requested documents that have digital or microfilm reproduction must be consulted in these formats. For the consultation of these originals, access will be authorized upon presentation of a request for authorization, detailing the reason.
  13. Express authorization from the Archive Management will be required to consult:
    • Documentation in poor state of conservation or restoration (art. 62 Law 16/1985, of June 25 , on Spanish Historical Heritage). </ li >
    • Documents in process of organization, reinstallation, description or reproduction.
    • Special backgrounds (photographic positives and negatives, plans and maps, etc.)
    • Documents for group work.
  14. The General Archive reserves the right to limit the consultation of the documentation in the above cases, as well as the documents affected by current legislation regarding the protection of personal data.

Search and orientation

The General Archive of the Segura Hydrographic Confederation offers citizens, researchers and public and private institutions an orientation service and information search in the funds it guards. Those who wish can contact the Archive by email (file@chsegura.es) or fax (968. 853.058), clearly explaining what documentary funds or data they would be interested in finding.

The search will be carried out by the technical staff of the Center using the available description tools, and the response will be sent within a maximum period of two weeks (email), through the same means by which the request was received. query. In the event that it is unsuccessful, efforts will be made to direct the citizen to those other archives or centers where he can continue his work.

El sistema de archivo


Certificación ENS media
Certificación ISO 27001