encodedName: Facilities HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/confederacion/archivo-general-y-casa-del-agua/instalaciones/index.html

Historical-Documentary Archive

The CHSegura archive contains, among others, documentary series that show the evolution of the Segura basin in its two most important aspects: defense against avenues and floods and irrigation management. Among these documents, some stand out, such as the ‘Project for Defense Works against Floods in the Segura Valley’, by Ramón García and Luis Gaztelu; the ‘National Plan of Hydraulic Works of 1933’; or the projects for the regulation of the Segura river, through the exploitation of the Fuensanta, Cenajo, Talave and Camarillas reservoirs and the Cañaverosa counter reservoir.

It was in the 60s when the building for the archives of the Segura Hydrographic Confederation was built. At first, it was intended to house the workers of the dam. Over the years it was the subject of different actions, adapting its use to the general archive of the CHS, although maintaining the original configuration in the form of a ship with very few changes.

Historical-Documentary Archive

Historical-Documentary Archive

Certificación ENS media
Certificación ISO 27001