encodedName: Museum-of-permanent-exhibitions HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/confederacion/archivo-general-y-casa-del-agua/instalaciones/museo-de-exposiciones-permanente/index.html

Permanent exhibition museum

The main objective of the exhibition is to delve into the culture of water in our environment, a rich, diverse and innovative culture, given that water scarcity is a defining feature of the landscape of the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula.

In this exhibition the visitor is explained what the environment that surrounds us is like and what solutions have historically been given to the problems derived from aridity and torrentiality. The exhibition is distributed in different thematic spaces, in which you can see information panels about the Segura basin, information about the floods, the Murcia Canal, the breakage of the Puentes Dam, documents and old devices, the dams of the basin, models and experiments and games with water.

Segura basin model

Showcases with antique items

15 models are offered to the study and curiosity of the visitors, eight of them of reservoirs with moving water; a large model with the entire Segura basin in relief, in which the irrigation, the Diversion, the irrigation canals, the supply network of the Taibilla Canals, roads, railways and the limits of the provinces included in this can be observed basin. You can also see dams built in the Plan of Defense Against Avenues, as well as meander cuts and prototypes of dams that allow knowing their typology, form of construction and behavior.

Model Dam of the Rambla de Algeciras

Bridge Dam Model

Certificación ENS media
Certificación ISO 27001