encodedName: Cooperation-bodies HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/confederacion/elorganismo/estructura-y-organizacion/organos-de-gobierno-administracion-y-cooperacion/organoscooperacion/index.html

Cooperation Bodies

The Committee of Competent Authorities

On October 21, 2008, the so-called Committee of Competent Authorities was established, a cooperation body whose main competencies are, according to Royal Decree 126/2007 of February 2, "to promote cooperation in the exercise of powers related to the protection of waters held by the different Public Administrations, within the respective hydrographic demarcation, as well as cooperation in the preparation of plans and programs ", in addition to" facilitating and guaranteeing the information by the Competent Authorities required by the Water Council of the Demarcation for the elaboration of the hydrological plans of the Demarcation "and, especially," the cooperation between the Competent Authorities in the elaboration of the programs of measures and their incorporation to the Hydrological Plan of the hydrographic demarcation ".

Composition of the Committee of Competent Authorities

Composition of the Committee of Competent Authorities

  • Presidency of the Committee of Competent Authorities: President of the Confederation.
  • Secretary of the Committee of Competent Authorities: Secretary-General of the Confederation
  • Members of the Competent Authorities:
    • On behalf of the State Administration:
      • Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge: a representative.
      • Ministry of Health: a representative.
      • Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda: a representative.
    • On behalf of the Autonomous Communities:
      • Region of Murcia: a representative.
      • Junta de andalucia: a representative.
      • JJ.CC. Castilla-La Mancha: a representative.
      • Valencia Generalitat: a representative.
    • Representing Local Entities: a representative.
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