encodedName: Government-bodies HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/confederacion/elorganismo/estructura-y-organizacion/organos-de-gobierno-administracion-y-cooperacion/organosgobierno/index.html

Government bodies

The President of the Agency

  1. Corresponds to the President of the basin organization:
    • Hold the legal representation of the body.
    • Preside the Governing Board, the Users Assembly, the Discharge Commission, the Water Council of the demarcation and the Committee of Competent Authorities.
    • Take care that the agreements of the collegiate bodies comply with current legislation.
    • Carry out the superior directive and executive function of the organization.
    • In general, the exercise of any other function that is not expressly attributed to another body.
  2. The acts and agreements of the collegiate bodies of the basin body that may constitute infringement of Laws or do not conform to hydrological planning may be challenged by the President before the contentious-administrative jurisdiction.

The challenge will produce the suspension of the act or agreement, but the Court must ratify it or lift it within a period not exceeding thirty days. The procedure will be established in article 127 of the Law Regulating the Contentious-Administrative Jurisdiction.a (RCL 1998, 1741).

The Governing Board


a) Approve the agency's action plans, the budget proposal and know the liquidation of the same.

b) Agree, where appropriate, the credit operations necessary for specific purposes related to their management, as well as to finance the actions included in the action plans, within the limits determined by regulation.

c) Adopt the corresponding agreements in the exercise of the functions established in article 23 [1] of this Law, as well as those relating to acts of disposition on the patrimony of basin organizations.

d) Prepare matters to be submitted to the Water Council of the demarcation.

e) Approve, Following a report from the Water Council of the demarcation, modifications to the width of the easement and police zones.

f) Declare overexploited aquifers or at risk of being, determine the protection perimeters of the aquifers, in accordance with the provisions of article 56 [1] of this Law, approve the general measures contemplated in article 55 [1] and be heard in the hearing process with the basin organization referred to in article 58 [1]. Likewise, it is responsible for the adoption of measures for the protection of groundwater against intrusions of saline waters referred to in article 99 [1] de esta Ley.

g)Adopt decisions on user communities referred to in articles 81.4 and 82.4 [1].

h) Promote the initiatives on wetlands referred to in paragraphs 5 and 6 of Article 111 [1].

i) Report, at the initiative of the President, proposals for sanctions for serious or very serious infractions when the facts in question are of special importance for the proper management of the resource in the area of ​​the hydrographic basin.

j) Approve, where appropriate, general criteria for the determination of compensation for damages caused to the hydraulic public domain, in accordance with article 118 [1] of this Law.

k) Propose to the Water Council of the demarcation the revision of the corresponding hydrological plan .

l) And, in general, deliberate on those matters that are submitted for consideration by its President or by any of its members.

The presidency of the Board corresponds to the President of the basin body while the members represent both the General State Administration, the State Tax Administration, the Autonomous Communities and users.

CHS Governing Board

  • Presidency of the Board: President of the Confederation.
  • First Vice-President, elected by the Members of the Governing Board who are representatives of the Autonomous Communities incorporated into the Basin Organization through agreements.
  • Second Vice President, Second Vice President of the Basin Water Council.
  • Secretary of the Board: General Secretary of the Confederation.
  • Board Members
    • Representing the State Administration.
      • A Member for the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
      • A Member for the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Enterprise.
      • A Member for the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.
      • A Member for the Ministry of the Interior.
      • A Member for the Ministry of Health .
      • A Member for the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, Secretary of State for the Environment.
      • A Member for the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, Secretary of State for Energy.
      • A Member for the Ministry of Defense.
    • Representing the Autonomous Communities.
      • Valencian Community: Two representatives.
      • Community of Andalusia: One representative.
      • Community of Castilla-La Mancha: Two representatives.
      • Region of Murcia: Six representatives.
    • On behalf of users.
      • Supplying populations: Two representatives.
        • Commonwealth of the Taibilla Canals
        • Murcia City Council
      • Irrigated: Seven representatives.
        • JCU North Vega Segura
        • C.R. Lorca
        • C.R. El Canal
        • C.R. Cartagena
        • Board of Huerta de Murcia Landowners
        • Aguas Orihuela Private Court
        • SCRATS
      • On energy uses: One representative. Iberdrola Generation
    • Of the Segura Hydrographic Confederation
      • President
      • Water Commissioner
      • Technical Director
      • Head of the Hydrological Planning Office
      • Secretary General

Permanent Drought Commission

Created by the Royal decree 1265/ 2005, October 21, Royal decree 14/ 2009, from 4 December by which exceptional administrative measures are adopted for the management of hydraulic resources and to correct the effects of drought in the hydrographic basins of the Júcar, Segura and Tajo rivers and Royal decree 356/2015, May 8, declaring the drought situation in the territorial area of ​​the Segura Hydrographic Confederation and adopting exceptional measures for the management of water resources.


  1. Reduce the endowments in the water supply of those uses that are affected by the lack of resources and that are necessary to rationalize the management and use of water resources.
  2. Modify the priority criteria for the allocation of resources to the different uses of water, respecting in any case the supremacy of the use set forth in article 60.3.1 of the consolidated text of the Water Law, approved by the Royal Legislative Decree 1/2001, July 20.

CHS Permanent Drought Commission

Structure of the Permanent Drought Commission

  • President of the Hydrographic Confederation.
  • Water Commissioner.
  • Technical Director.
  • Head of the Hydrological Planning Office (acting as Secretary).
  • Secretary General
  • A representative of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.
  • A representative of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
  • A representative of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.
  • Representation of the Autonomous Communities, one representative from each of the following:
    • Community of Andalusia.
    • Community of Castilla-La Mancha.
    • Region of Murcia.
    • Valencian Community.
  • User representation:
    • Two representatives from Supplies.
    • One representative from Energy uses.
    • Two representatives from Irrigated.
  • Representation with voice but without vote:
    • A representative of organizations for the defense of environmental interests.
    • A representative of union organizations.
    • A representative of business organizations.
    • A representative of local administrations.

[1] Consolidated Text of the Water Law, Royal decree law 1/2001

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