encodedName: Work-of-the-organism-and-other-atributions HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/confederacion/elorganismo/funciones-del-organismo-y-otras-atribuciones/index.html

CHS functions and other atributions


The river basin organization Confederación Hidrográfica del Segura, is an autonomous body of those provided for in article 84.1.a) of Law 40/2015, of October 1, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector, assigned, for the purposes administrative, to the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge whose basic functions are the following:

  1. The drafting of the river basin management plan, as well as its follow-up and review.
  2. The administration and control of the hydraulic public domain.
  3. The administration and control of exploitations of general interest or that affect more than one Autonomous Community.
  4. The project, construction and exploitation of the works carried out with the agency's own funds, and those entrusted to them by the State.
  5. Those derived from agreements with Autonomous Communities, Local Corporations and other public or private entities, or those signed with individuals.

For the fulfillment of the functions entrusted in paragraphs d) and e) of the previous section, the basin organizations may:

  1. Acquire by subscription or purchase, dispose of and, in general, carry out any administrative acts regarding capital representative securities of state companies that are constituted for the construction, exploitation or execution of hydraulic public works, or commercial companies that have for corporate purposes the management of construction and exploitation concession contracts for hydraulic works, with prior authorization from the Ministry of Finance.
  2. Sign collaboration agreements or participate in groupings of companies and temporary unions of companies that have as their object any of the aforementioned purposes.
  3. Grant loans and, in general, grant credit to any of the entities listed in paragraphs a) and b).

Other attributions

The following are also functions of the Confederation :

  • 1. The granting of authorizations and concessions referring to the hydraulic public domain, except those related to works and actions of general interest of the State, which will correspond to the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.
  • 2. Inspection and monitoring of compliance with the conditions of concessions and authorizations related to the public hydraulic domain.
  • 3. Conducting gauging, hydrology studies, flood information and quality control of the waters.
  • 4. The study, project, execution, conservation, exploitation and improvement of the works included in their own plans, as well as those others that could be entrusted to them.
  • 5. The definition of quality objectives and programs according to hydrological planning.
  • 6. The realization, within the scope of its competences, of plans, programs and actions that aim to adequately manage the demands, in order to promote savings and economic and environmental efficiency of the different uses of water through global use and integrated surface and groundwater, in accordance, where appropriate, with the provisions of the corresponding sectoral planning.
  • 7. The provision of all kinds of technical services related to the fulfillment of their specific purposes and, when requested, advice to the General State Administration, Autonomous Communities, Local Corporations and other public or private entities, as well as individuals.
Certificación ENS media
Certificación ISO 27001