encodedName: Mountain-relationship HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/confederacion/prensa-publicaciones-y-difusion/montanas-del-segura/relacion-de-montanas/index.html

Mountains List

We have grouped the set of mountains in the basin by zones following a unifying criterion in terms of sub-basins and environments. We will describe each of these areas and the mountains we consider in them:


It corresponds to the interior mountains located on the left bank of the Segura and close to the limits with Albacete and Alicante. Of continental character, they stand out from the highlands and define wide intramountainous corridors without notable water courses. Among them are the Sierras del Carche y la Pila and Mount Arabí.

Estrecho del Infierno. Río Tus

El Almorchón emerge de los llanos cerealistas del Cagitán

Mundo and Tus

They are the mountains that feed these two important tributaries of the Segura, especially the first of them. They are located in the northernmost area of ​​the Segura basin and receive a permanent influence from the Atlantic storms, highlighting their high rainfall and the complex hydrographic network they make up. These include the Sierra de Alcaraz, the Calar del Mundo and the Calar de la Sima.

Río Madera de la cuenca del Mundo


As its name indicates, they are the first mountains that give rise to the river. They are found in the westernmost area located above all in the province of Jaén, but also in neighboring Albacete and even a small portion in Granada. Highlights include the Sierra del Almorchón in Santiago, the Sierra de Segura with its many coves in the first kilometers of the river (Calar del Cobo, Calar de Marchena, Calar de Cabeza de la Mora, Calar de las Pilillas), Sierra de la Guillimona and the Sierra de las Cabras.

En el noroeste de la región murciana el bosque es un tesoro. Sierra del Gavilán

Navegando a pata por el río Tus


From the two banks of the Segura river, the left receives only one significant tributary (if we except the Madera river) and this is the Mundo river. In contrast to this situation, the right bank has several tributaries of notable importance such as the Alhárabe, Benamor, Argos, Quípar and Mula rivers and all of them drain the mountains of the Northwest of the Murcia region. In this section we will deal with them. Highlights include the Sierra de Moratalla, the Sierra de Villafuerte, the Sierra de Mojantes, the Sierra del Gavilán, the Sierra de los Álamos, the Sierra de la Selva, etc.

Arroyos con aguas permanentes. Hondares. Moratalla

Valle de Ricote. Una joya paisajística


It is one of the most unique tributaries of the Segura due to its length and irregular regime. It occupies a wide basin that covers part of the province of Almería and the center of the Murcia region. Sierras such as María, Sierra del Gigante, Sierra Espuña and Carrascoy stand out in this area.

En el valle de Río Madera, el primer afluente por la margen izquierda

En lo alto del Almorchón, presidiendo la vega alta


When the Segura leaves its high course and resumes, it allows for exquisite agriculture in its surrounding vegas and orchards . From the Calasparra rice fields to the orange and lemon trees of Murcia and Orihuela, passing through the apricots and peaches of the Vega Alta, the Segura crosses the mountains through narrow passes and gorges with history such as the Solvent, the Almadenes Canyon and the Salto de la Novia . As outstanding mountains we have the Almorchón de Cieza, the Sierra del Oro, the Sierra de Ricote and the Sierra de Orihuela.

Alturas y refugios para vigilar la masa forestal, imprescindible para mantener la cuenca

Ramblas en la cuenca del río Mula

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