encodedName: Chronology-of-floods-in-the-Segura-basin HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/confederacion/unpocodehistoria/cronologia-de-riadas-en-la-cuenca-del-Segura/index.html

Chronology of floods in the Segura basin

On this page you will be able to consult a historical compilation of extreme floods and rainfall in the Segura basin, carried out within the scope of work for the development of the National System of Floodplains in the Segura Demarcation. It is not intended to be an exhaustive inventory, but it includes episodes from the 13th century until 2020.


Fuentes consultadas:

  • Archives of the Segura Hydrographic Confederation
  • National Catalog of Historic Floods
  • Floods in the Region of Murcia. Identification and location of vulnerable areas (INUAMA, University of Murcia and General Directorate of Civil Protection Region of Murcia). 2001
  • Geographic Series Magazine Nº 9-2000 - "The Floods in the Segura Basin in the last two decades of the 20th century"
  • Newspaper library. 1970-2012. Various newspapers.
  • AEMET website

The book is also available for download "Hidrología histórica del Segura" de Rafael Couchoud Sebastiá (1969) which compiles episodes and events related to floods, prayers and droughts in the period 1,535 to 1,879.

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