encodedName: The-80th-anniversary HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/confederacion/unpocodehistoria/el-80-aniversario/index.html

The 80th anniversary

Icono representativo del 80 aniversario de la CHS

The Hydrographic Confederation of Segura (CHS) commemorates the 80th anniversary of its constitution. Royal Decree-Law training of CHS dates from August 23, 1926, published in the Gaceta de Madrid the next day while the December 5, 1927 held its inaugural meeting. Since its inception, it was proposed to regulate a river with a very variable flow, marked by long periods of summer and large avenues in short periods.

For this reason, the priority of HCS managers was to build and complete the reservoirs at Fuensanta, Cenajo, Camarillas, Talave, Argos, Quípar, De la Cierva and Valdeinfierno, in order to implement new irrigation operations and water supply for residents. Another major challenge was to address the problem of large floods; for this purpose, central government implemented the Flood Defence Plan, which was approved in 1987. This project, which required an investment of €450 million in new dams and channelling, has put an end to the large floods that used to affect the basin of the Segura.

In recent years, the Confederation´s efforts have been directed towards other important areas, such as preserving the basin´s natural environment and improving water management and quality. In addition to defining its goals, efforts have also been made to involve, through participation, all the social partners related with water; these will play a major role in drawing up the new Hydrological Plan for the Hydrographic Demarcation of the Segura, which is expected to be approved in late 2009.

The HCS prepared several events to commemorate its anniversary. The most prominent was the act held in the Multiple Services Building in Murcia to present medals to the civil servants who have worked in the agency for over thirty years. A video was shown and an exhibition organised. To round off the evening, the HCS hosted a wine reception for the public with entertainment provided by an orchestra that played classical music.

On this website you will find more information on the commemorative video shown, the photo album of the evening, and the Vive el Segura exhibition.

The opening ceremony of the 80th anniversary

The The Segura Hydrographic Confederation (CHS) began the commemorative acts for it eightieth anniversary on Tuesday 4th December 2007 by awarding medals to the civil servants that have worked with the organisation for more than thirty years. Furthermore, a video was shown and an exhibition was organised. To round off the celebration, the CHS served a Spanish wine to the public and they were entertained by an orchestra that played pieces of classical music.

The ceremony was presided by the president of the Hydrographic Confederation of Segura, José Salvador Fuentes Zorita, the president of the Tajo-Segura Transfer Central Irrigation Syndicate, Francisco del Amor, the minister of Agriculture and Water for the Region of Murcia, Antonio Cerdб and the general secretary of the Hydrographic Confederation of Segura, Paloma Moriano, who said a few words to the public in the celebration event.

The Civil servants to be decorated with the Gold Medal for their professional careers were: José Antonio Abenza Ibáñez, Antonio Alarcón López, José Alemán Ferrán, Pedro Luis Cantó Olivares, Antonio Cazorla Romero, Diego del Amor Carmona, Joaquín Ezcurra Cartagena, Manuel Francisco García Chinchilla, Juan García Cuenca, Mari Carmen García de Otazo, José Hernández Alcázar, Francisco Hernández Nicolás, Carmelo Iborra Collado, Esperanza Jiménez Alvarez, Antonio Llorente Puerta, Jesús López Núñez, Francisco Martínez Moreno, Miguel Martínez Rosa, Antonio Maurandi Guirado, Gustavo Medina García, Manuel Mirón López, Julio Muñoz Bravo, José Luis Nicolás Martínez, Manuela Olivares Franco, Mariano Pelegrín Muelas, Bienvenida Pérez Oliva, Maravillas Pérez Vicente, Juan José Rabasco, Pedro Ruiz Corbalán, León Saavedra Pantoja, José Santoyo Santoyo, Juan Antonio Serna Sánchez, Antonio Jesús Vázquez Fernández, Isidoro Zapata Pardo and José Zapata Pardo.

The previous delegates of the Government in Murcia and presidents of the CHS to be decorated were: Adrián Ángel Viudes Viudes, Juan Guillamón Álvarez, Francisco Cerón Guillén, Emilio Pérez Pérez, Emilio Villar Rioseco, Juan José Parrilla Cánovas, Antonio Nieto Llobet and Juan Cánovas Cuenca.

The 80th anniversary in the press

The Segura Hydrographic Confederation (CHS) published a special report in the "La Opinión" newspaper of Murcia and in the "Información" newspaper of Alicante. Within its pages were illustrated the history, the great works, the campaigns to educate the population on the good use of water and the interest for the ecology and protected species of the river Segura.

Furthermore, the visitor was able to see the stories published on the 80th Anniversary of CHS in the media.


Article covers the 80th. anniversary of the CHS

The 80th anniversary exhibitions

Over the last few months, the Segura Hydrographic Confederation has put up several marquees with the commemorative exhibitions of the 80th anniversary of its foundation, under the title "Long Live Segura", which has travelled around the municipalities of Lorca, Hellín, Guardamar del Segura and Mula, where children’s activities such as theatrical plays and workshops have also been organised.

A commitment to water

The exhibition "A commitment to water: Long Live Segura", consisted of seventeen panels. Through old-fashioned and modern photographs, the milestones of the CHS were illustrated, from its foundation in 1926 with the idea of regulating and managing the river Segura, the backbone of a Cuenca characterised for its cyclical periods of drought and severe flooding.

In the room were fifteen computers on which a journey through the history of the CHS could be taken.

The MMA exhibition

In the Ministry of Agriculture, Feed and Environment, there was an exhibition that toured through the six Hydrographic Confederations under the name Expoaqua I and II. The aim of which was to reach all areas of society in order to clearly and objectively provide easily understood messages. The exhibition consisted of panels, videos and theatre activities working together in parallel.

Some of the headings of the panels were: Planet Earth. Planet water. Planet alive; Water: Public resource, motor for development; Purpose: Water. A resource shared and enjoyed; Emergency plan for the modernisation of irrigation or Clean waters, water for life .

The Children’s exhibition

Simultaneously to the ME exhibition, the younger ones could learn about the river Segura and have fun at the same time, given that a part of the latter was dedicated to the children. This was an open air performance with a storyteller in which the actors drew attention of the passer-bys with the so important theme of the rational water consumption.

With a spontaneous interactive format typical of street performances, the actors transmitted a series of attitudes and behaviours to the public through short narratives and sketches regarding the importance of saving water, drawing attention to the responsibility of everyone when managing the consumption of available water.

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