encodedName: Environmental-flows HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/caracterizacion/caudales-ambientales/index.html

Environmental flows

According to IPH , the regime of environmental flows will be established in such a way as to maintain sustainably the functionality and structure of aquatic ecosystems and ecosystems associated terrestrial, helping to achieve good status or ecological potential in rivers or transitional waters.

The implementation of the environmental flows must be developed in each case according to a specific process of agreement, to reconcile the environmental requirements, with the current uses within each body of water.

Río Zumeta

The PHDS 2009/15 established minimum and maximum flow regimes in the so-called strategic masses, which are those in which the establishment of the environmental flows conditions the allocations and reserves of resources of the Basin Hydrological Plan. For these masses, the flows finally established were subjected to a process of consultation with the users.

Masas de agua estratégicas en las que el PHDS 2009/15 establece regímenes de caudales ambientales

For the rest of the non-strategic masses, the coordination of the strategic masses was carried out in parallel to the public consultation process of the 2015/21 Cuenca Hydrological Plan.

The following table shows the final results of the environmental flow regime after the concertation process.

Likewise, you can consult detailed information on each of these masses and the result obtained, in the  Annex 5. Implementation of the Environmental Flow Regime  ZIP document (12.7 MB)  of the Hydrological Plan of the Segura demarcation.

Source: Hydrological Plan for the Demarcation of the Segura 2015-2021

(*) Environmental flow to be supplied by means of the tailings of azarbe to the old channel of the Segura

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Certificación ISO 27001