encodedName: Rivers HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/caracterizacion/masas-de-agua-superficiales/rios.html


The total mass defined in the river category in the demarcation is 90, with an estimated length of 1,553 km in total. Of these, 69 are natural type, the length of which amounts to approximately 1,320 km and 21 are highly modified (6 due to channeling and 15 due to corresponding to regulating reservoirs or lamination of avenues)

Natural surface water bodies of the river category

The typology of surface water bodies has been made in accordance with system B of the DMA , yielding the following results:

(*) According to the RD proposal for the State Assessment of surface waters and Environmental Quality Standards, of May 6, 2015, with a favorable report from the National Water Council (hereinafter CNA) on May 27, 2015.

Río Alhárabe

Source: Segura Demarcation Hydrological Plan 2015-2021

Masas de agua superficiales de la categoría río natural en la DHS según tipo

Highly modified surface water bodies (HMWB) of the river category

In accordance with the provisions of the Basin Hydrological Plan, 6 river surface water bodies have been defined in the Segura river basin district HMWB by pipelines and 2 for rolling infrastructure without resource regulation.

Source: Segura Demarcation Hydrological Plan 2015-2021


Masas de agua superficiales de la categoría río HMWB por encauzamientos en la DHS

In the Segura demarcation, 13 continental surface water bodies of the river category have been identified HMWB as they correspond to regulatory reservoirs.

Source: Hydrological Plan for the Demarcation of the Segura 2015-2021

Source: Segura Demarcation Hydrological Plan 2015-2021

Azud de Ojós

Masas de agua superficiales de la categoría río HMWB por embalses en la DHS según tipo

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Certificación ISO 27001