The total mass defined in the river category in the demarcation is 90, with an estimated length of 1,553 km in total. Of these, 69 are natural type, the length of which amounts to approximately 1,320 km and 21 are highly modified (6 due to channeling and 15 due to corresponding to regulating reservoirs or lamination of avenues)
The typology of surface water bodies has been made in accordance with system B of the DMA , yielding the following results:
Type (*) | Type designation | No. masses |
R-T09 | Low Mediterranean mountain mineralized rivers | 31 |
R-T12 | Calcareous Mediterranean mountain rivers | 14 |
R-T13 | Highly mineralized Mediterranean rivers | 18 |
R-T14 | Mediterranean low altitude axes | 3 |
R-T16 | Mediterranean-continental mineralized axes | 3 |
(*) According to the RD proposal for the State Assessment of surface waters and Environmental Quality Standards, of May 6, 2015, with a favorable report from the National Water Council (hereinafter CNA) on May 27, 2015.
Río Alhárabe
Cod. Mass | Mass name | Type | Length (km) |
ES0701010101 | Río Segura from headwaters to Anchuricas reservoir | R-T12 | 47.84 |
ES0701010103 | Río Segura from Anchuricas reservoir to confluence with Zumeta river | R-T12 | 11.34 |
ES0701010104 | Segura river after confluence with Zumeta river to Fuensanta reservoir | R-T09 | 33.44 |
ES0701010106 | Río Segura from the Fuensanta reservoir to the confluence with the Taibilla river | R-T09 | 7.61 |
ES0701010107 | Segura river from confluence with Taibilla river to Cenajo reservoir | R-T16 | 28.70 |
ES0701010109 | Río Segura from Cenajo to CH de Cañaverosa | R-T16 | 39.86 |
ES0701010110 | Río Segura from CH Cañaverosa to Quípar | R-T16 | 18.63 |
ES0701010111 | Río Segura from confluence with Río Quípar to Azud de Ojós | R-T14 | 32.75 |
ES0701010113 | Río Segura from the Azud de Ojós to the treatment plant downstream from Archena | R-T14 | 12.71 |
ES0701010114 | Río Segura from Archena treatment plant to Contraparada | R-T14 | 23.28 |
ES0701010201 | Caramel River | R-T09 | 16.94 |
ES0701010203 | Luchena River to Puentes Reservoir | R-T09 | 16.76 |
ES0701010205 | Guadalentín river before Lorca from Puentes reservoir | R-T09 | 12.83 |
ES0701010206 | Guadalentín River from Lorca to upwelling | R-T09 | 39.87 |
ES0701010207 | Guadalentín River after upwelling of water to the Romeral reservoir | R-T13 | 8.38 |
ES0701010209 | Guadalentín River from the Romeral reservoir to the Reguerón | R-T13 | 11.69 |
ES0701010301 | Río Mundo from headland to confluence with Bogarra river | R-T12 | 46.89 |
ES0701010302 | Río Mundo from confluence with the Bogarra river to the Talave reservoir | R-T09 | 37.47 |
ES0701010304 | Río Mundo from the Talave reservoir to the confluence with the Camarillas reservoir | R-T09 | 30.10 |
ES0701010306 | Río Mundo from Camarillas reservoir to confluence with Segura river | R-T09 | 4.05 |
ES0701010401 | Zumeta river from its head to confluence with Segura river | R-T12 | 68.12 |
ES0701010501 | Arroyo Benizar | R-T09 | 12.64 |
ES0701010601 | Arroyo de la Espinea | R-T12 | 6.58 |
ES0701010701 | River Tus upstream from the Spa of Tus | R-T12 | 23.34 |
ES0701010702 | River Tus from Balneario de Tus to reservoir of Fuensanta | R-T09 | 18.16 |
ES0701010801 | Arroyo Collados | R-T09 | 3.99 |
ES0701010901 | Arroyo Morote | R-T09 | 6.71 |
ES0701011001 | Arroyo de Elche | R-T09 | 31.88 |
ES0701011101 | Taibilla River to confluence with Taibilla Reservoir | R-T12 | 26.25 |
ES0701011103 | Taibilla River from Taibilla reservoir to Arroyo de las Herrerías | R-T12 | 24.90 |
ES0701011104 | Taibilla river from Herrerías stream to confluence with Segura river | R-T09 | 23.59 |
ES0701011201 | Arroyo Blanco until confluence with Embalse del Taibilla | R-T12 | 10,14 |
ES0701011301 | Rambla de Letur | R-T09 | 17.87 |
ES0701011401 | Bogarra River until confluence with the Mundo River | R-T12 | 46.82 |
ES0701011501 | Rambla Honda | R-T12 | 6.81 |
ES0701011701 | Rambla de Mullidar | R-T12 | 23.27 |
ES0701011702 | Arroyo Tobarra until confluence with Rambla Ortigosa | R-T09 | 32.35 |
ES0701011801 | Alhárabe River to camping La Puerta | R-T09 | 21.56 |
ES0701011802 | Alhárabe River downstream from camping La Puerta | R-T09 | 18.59 |
ES0701011803 | Moratalla en reservoir | R-T09 | 5.38 |
ES0701011804 | Moratalla River downstream of the reservoir | R-T09 | 4.80 |
ES0701011901 | Río Argos before the reservoir | R-T09 | 32.59 |
ES0701011903 | Río Argos after the reservoir | R-T09 | 15.07 |
ES0701012001 | Rambla Tarragoya and Barranco Junquera | R-T12 | 29.40 |
ES0701012002 | Quípar River before the reservoir | R-T09 | 55.48 |
ES0701012004 | Quípar River after the reservoir | R-T13 | 1.79 |
ES0701012101 | Rambla del Judío before the reservoir | R-T13 | 28.78 |
ES0701012102 | Rambla del Judío in reservoir | R-T13 | 2.72 |
ES0701012103 | Rambla del Judío from reservoir to confluence with Segura river | R-T13 | 5.06 |
ES0701012201 | Rambla del Moro before reservoir | R-T13 | 8.50 |
ES0701012202 | Rambla del Moro in reservoir | R-T13 | 2.82 |
ES0701012203 | Rambla del Moro from reservoir to confluence with Segura river | R-T13 | 5.09 |
ES0701012301 | Río Mula to La Cierva reservoir | R-T09 | 22.32 |
ES0701012303 | Río Mula from La Cierva reservoir to Río Pliego | R-T09 | 5.59 |
ES0701012304 | Río Mula from the Río Pliego to the Los Rodeos reservoir | R-T13 | 17.78 |
ES0701012306 | Río Mula from Los Rodeos reservoir to the Torres de Cotillas Acequia dam | R-T13 | 2.87 |
ES0701012307 | Río Mula from the Torres de Cotillas Acequia dam to the confluence with the Segura river | R-T13 | 6.54 |
ES0701012401 | Río Pliego | R-T09 | 12.84 |
ES0701012501 | Rambla Salada upstream of the Santomera reservoir | R-T13 | 5.30 |
ES0701012601 | Río Chícamo upstream of the starter | R-T13 | 6.53 |
ES0701012602 | Río Chícamo downstream of the starter | R-T13 | 20.11 |
ES0701012701 | Turrilla River until confluence with the Luchena River | R-T09 | 9.04 |
ES0701012801 | Rambla del Albujón | R-T13 | 29.91 |
ES0701012901 | Rambla de Chirivel | R-T12 | 11.36 |
ES0701012902 | Río Corneros | R-T09 | 37.12 |
ES0701013001 | Rambla del Algarrobo | R-T09 | 3.54 |
ES0701013101 | Arroyo Chopillo | R-T09 | 1.41 |
ES0701013201 | River in Bayco reservoir | R-T13 | 2.36 |
ES0701013202 | Rambla de Ortigosa from Bayco reservoir to confluence with Tobarra stream | R-T13 | 23.26 |
Source: Segura Demarcation Hydrological Plan 2015-2021
Masas de agua superficiales de la categoría río natural en la DHS según tipo
In accordance with the provisions of the Basin Hydrological Plan, 6 river surface water bodies have been defined in the Segura river basin district HMWB by pipelines and 2 for rolling infrastructure without resource regulation.
Type | Type designation |
R-HMWB-T09 | Low Mediterranean mountain mineralized rivers - HMWB due to hydromorphological alterations |
R-HMWB-T13 | Highly mineralized Mediterranean rivers - HMWB due to hydromorphological changes |
R-HMWB-T14 | Low altitude Mediterranean axes - HMWB due to hydromorphological alterations |
R-HMWB-T17 | Large axes in a Mediterranean environment - HMWB due to hydromorphological alterations |
Cod. Mass | Name | Type | Length (km) |
ES0702080115 | Channeling the Segura river, between Contraparada and Reguerón | R-HMWB-T14 | 18.09 |
ES0702080116 | Channeling the Segura river, from Reguerón to mouth | R-HMWB-T17 | 49.04 |
ES0702080210 | Reguerón | R-HMWB-T13 | 15.43 |
ES0702081601 | Rambla de Talave | R-HMWB-T09 | 9.34 |
ES0702081703 | Arroyo de Tobarra from confluence with Rambla de Ortigosa to Río Mundo | R-HMWB-T09 | 10.67 |
ES0702082503 | Rambla Salada | R-HMWB-T13 | 12.62 |
Cod. Mass | Name | Type | Length (km) |
ES0702050208 | Guadalentín River in the Romeral reservoir | R-HMWB-T13 | 7.72 |
ES0702052305 | Río Mula in Los Rodeos reservoir | R-HMWB-T13 | 4.62 |
Source: Segura Demarcation Hydrological Plan 2015-2021
Masas de agua superficiales de la categoría río HMWB por encauzamientos en la DHS
In the Segura demarcation, 13 continental surface water bodies of the river category have been identified HMWB as they correspond to regulatory reservoirs.
Type | Type designation | Features |
E-T07 | Monomictic, calcareous in humid areas, with an average annual temperature of less than 15ºC, belonging to head rivers and upper reaches | Monomictic Alkalinity> 1meq / l Humidity Index> 0.75 Altitude> 800 m Basin Area> 1,000 km² td > |
E-T10 | Monomictic, calcareous from non humid zones, belonging to head rivers and high stretches | Monomictic Alkalinity> 1meq / l Humidity Index <0.75 Altitude <800 m Basin Area <1,000 km² td > |
E-T11 | Monomictic, calcareous from non humid zones, belonging to rivers of the main network | Monomictic Alkalinity> 1meq / l Humidity Index <0.75 Altitude <800 m Basin Area> 1,000 km² td > |
Source: Hydrological Plan for the Demarcation of the Segura 2015-2021
Cod. dough | Name | Type | Area ( ha ) |
ES0702050102 | Anchuricas Reservoir | E-T07 | 53.56 |
ES0702050105 | Embalse de la Fuensanta | E-T11 | 855.39 |
ES0702050108 | Cenajo Reservoir | E-T11 | 1,695.30 |
ES0702050112 | Azud de Ojós | E-T11 | 59.38 |
ES0702050202 | Valdeinfierno Reservoir | E-T10 | 208.70 |
ES0702050204 | Embalse de Puentes | E-T11 | 317.26 |
ES0702050305 | Camarillas Reservoir | E-T11 | 257.71 |
ES0702051102 | Taibilla Reservoir | E-T10 | 70.07 |
ES0702051603 | Talave Reservoir | E-T10 | 247.88 |
ES0702051902 | Embalse del Argos | E-T10 | 92.77 |
ES0702052003 | Alfonso XIII Reservoir | E-T10 | 273.62 |
ES0702052302 | Embalse de la Cierva | E-T10 | 159.90 |
ES0702052502 | Santomera Reservoir | E-T10 | 128.48 |
Source: Segura Demarcation Hydrological Plan 2015-2021
Azud de Ojós
Masas de agua superficiales de la categoría río HMWB por embalses en la DHS según tipo