encodedName: Consulta-de-obstaculos-a-la-continuidad-longitudinal HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/caracterizacion/obstaculos-a-la-continuidad-longitudinal-del-rio-segura/consulta-de-obstaculos-a-la-continuidad-longitudinal/index.html

Query obstacles to longitudinal continuity

This page provides information concerning those water infrastructure hinder the flow longitudinal continuity of water in the basin of the Segura. This information comes from identification work performed during the year 2012. With the Water Framework Directive, the biological and hydromorphological aspects, besides the physicochemical, take on special relevance in the diagnosis integrated quality of surface water bodies and by extension in the achievement of the environmental objectives established by the WFD. From the point of view hydromorphological, it is no possible to achieve these quality objectives without providing minimal conditions of continuity of water flow. (more information).

The scope of work focuses on surface water bodies of the river basin "river type" with permanent flow, without excluding large dams by the differential treatment, that they need and their obstructed of all known.

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