encodedName: Description-and-objectives HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/caracterizacion/obstaculos-a-la-continuidad-longitudinal-del-rio-segura/descripcion-y-objetivos/index.html

Obstacles to the longitudinal continuity of the Segura river

The Water Framework Directive (WFD) has brought about a profound change in the concept of water quality, incorporating a new comprehensive and ecosystem approach that goes beyond the traditional conception of quality for uses contemplated by other Directives related to the matter. In this sense, the biological and hydromorphological aspects, in addition to the physicochemical ones, take on special relevance in the integrated quality diagnosis and, by extension, in the achievement of the environmental objectives established by the DMA .

From the hydromorphological point of view, and as it seems evident, it is not possible to achieve these quality objectives without minimum conditions of continuity in the water flow, in addition to an adequate hydrological regime and acceptable morphological conditions. Conscious of this, and in compliance with the WFD , the Hydrological Planning Instruction (IPH) It has planned a series of indicators based on hydromorphological quality elements that evaluate the continuity of the river, such as the average length between artificial barriers or their typology.

In order to identify the different infrastructures that may pose an obstacle to the longitudinal continuity of the Segura river and its tributaries, initially, the existing information on the matter was collected. Subsequently, a field campaign was carried out in which the existence of the elements identified in the information gathering phase was verified and the necessary data were taken to assess their frankness. Additionally, in the field campaign we proceeded to search, identify and collect data on new infrastructures for which no information was available and which could be impassable for fish fauna. Finally, the data collected in the field or cabinet has served to:

  • Assess the frankability for the species present in the body of water.
    The degree of frankability for fish has been estimated using the River Connectivity Index ( ICF  PDF Document - 65 KB ) and the Index of Franchiseability ( IF PDF Document - 51 KB). Although the values ​​of the two indices, IF and ICF, are available, it has been decided to show the ICF as the final value of francability, when observing more coherent and more adapted values to the typology of the barriers and characteristics of the basin of the Safe.

  • Analyze the apparent effect on river mobility and the state of the banks.
    We have tried to get a preliminary idea of ​​the degree of hydromorphological alteration caused by infrastructures by observing the quality of the vegetation cover and the habitat diversity ( IHF PDF document - 26 KB ) along with other data collected in the field.
  • Propose a priority for action on obstacles to improve their permeability.
    To establish priorities for action, a study of the fluvial continuity of each body of water was initially carried out ( IC  PDF Document - 33 KB ), and subsequently an intervention priority index has been applied to each obstacle. ( IPA PDF Document - 49 KB
  • Establish measures that would be necessary to favor the permeability of the obstacles.
    The data related to the characteristics of the obstacles, obtained both in field work and in cabinet information collection tasks, have allowed for each If so, make an initial proposal for a more appropriate solution. The scope of the information encompasses all the river-type surface water masses of the Segura hydrographic basin with a permanent flow. In this list, large dams do not appear due to the differential treatment they require, and their existence is well known. as well as its insurmountability.

We assume that the obstacles that we provide you are not all but most, given the knowledge of any infrastructure with the possibility of posing an obstacle to longitudinal continuity that is not included in this list, we would appreciate it if you would communicate it to us at the email address electronic oficina.planificacion@chsegura.es

Certificación ENS media
Certificación ISO 27001