The number of existing hydraulic infrastructures in the Segura River Basin District is summarized in the following table:
Type of Infrastructure | Nº Elements | ||
Treatment Stations | EDARs Municipal | 206 EDARs en 2012 | |
140 hm³ treated in 2012 | |||
ETAPs | 11 principales | ||
Regulating works | Weirs | 72 weirs in the river basin district, with a height of less than 10 meters and more than 2 meters, of which 58 prevent fish from rising. Obstacles to the longitudinal continuity of the Segura river |
Dams | 33 dams over 10 m high | ||
Desalination plants | 13 IDAMs | ||
160 hm³ / year of production capacity for agricultural use (horizon 2021) | |||
179 hm³ / year of production capacity for urban, industrial and service use (horizon 2021) |
Source: Hydrological Plan of the Segura Demarcation 2015-2021
For more details of the exposed infrastructures, you can consult Anex 2. Water Resources (6 MB) and the Anex 7. Pressures
(34.8 MB), of the Hydrological Plan of the Segura Hydrographic Demarcation.
Las Norias (Orihuela)
Of the 33 dams, more than 10 m. of the demarcation, 16 of them have generated significant bodies of water that have been designated as water bodies. These water masses have been classified as highly modified in 13 cases (those shown in the following figure), while for three cases (Crevillente, Algeciras and La Pedrera) artificial water masses have been designated.
Surface water bodies of the HMWB river category by reservoirs with resource regulation in the DHS according to type
Puentes Reservoir
Conductions of the Mancomunidad de los Canales del Taibilla (MCT)
The Mancomunidad de Canales del Taibilla (MCT) manages the high supply of most of the municipalities of the Segura Hydrographic Demarcation (DHS) and of some municipalities of the Júcar Demarcation, in Vinalopó and L'Alacantí (not belonging to DHS) in the province of Alicante.
This body is in charge of managing the resources from the Taibilla river and the resources destined for urban use from the Tajo-Segura transfer; as well as resources from desalination in the demarcation destined for urban use. The MCT has for this a hydraulic system interconnected with each other, which makes it possible to supply existing demands from different sources of resources.
The main channels of the MCT are the Canal Alto and Bajo del Taibilla, the Canal del Segura, Canal de Murcia, New Canal de Murcia, Canal de Alicante, New Canal de Alicante, Canal de Espuña, Canal de Cartagena, New Canal de Cartagena and the connections between the IDAMs of the MCT (Alicante I and II and San Pedro I and II) with their ETAPs.
MCT Hydraulic System. Source: MCT
Pit Diversion System - Segura
These pipelines allow the incorporation of the resources from the head of the Tajo to the Talave reservoir and its subsequent distribution to the different users (both agricultural and supply) through the post-transfer channels, in turn having to consider the Talave - Cenajo tunnel.
These public promotion pipes are joined by the different pipes of the distribution networks of the irrigation communities and the private discharge pipes, which allow the application of resources extracted from tens of kilometers away.
Segura River Basin District. Operating system 2015.
Source: Hydrological Plan of the Segura Demarcation 2015-2021
You can consult more detailed information about the infrastructure of the Tajo Segura transfer system at the following link:
Likewise, they can consult the existing infrastructures in the demarcation, through the following links: