encodedName: Summary HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/caracterizacion/recursos-hidricos/resumen/index.html


Resources of the Segura demarcation

Recursos de la demarcación del Segura (Horizonte 2015), sin considerar los aportes de otras cuencas intercomunitarias

Source: Segura Demarcation Hydrological Plan 2015-2021


  • (1) The resulting balance corresponds exactly with the contributions by rain in the coastal masses (Tertiary of Torrevieja, Cabo Roig, Campo de Cartagena, Sierra de Cartagena, Triassic of the Victories, Triassic of Carrascoy, Mazarrón and Águilas), estimated at 94 hm³ / year.
  • (2) Includes the estimated surface resources on the non-draining coastal boulevards of the Segura river.
  • (3) Includes the desalinated resources generated in the Segura basin (89 hm³ / year) plus the resources generated in the Mediterranean Hydrographic District of Andalusia (7 hm³ / year) and applied in the Segura basin.

Resources from other basins

Recursos procedentes de otras cuencas intercomunitarias

(*) The average value of the transferred resources of Negratín has been assumed equal to the guarantee estimated by the Guadalquivir hydrological plan for the aforementioned transfer on the maximum endowment of the CR with surface in the demarcation.

Source: Hydrological Plan for the Demarcation of the Segura 2015-2021

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