encodedName: Transfers HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/caracterizacion/recursos-hidricos/transferencias/index.html

External transfers

The surface transfers between different basins manage to increase the available resources and meet the existing demands in those exploitation systems in which, exclusively with their own resources, they are unable to meet said objective, as is the case of the Segura demarcation.

In the Segura river basin district, resources are received from the Tagus and Guadalquivir districts.

Tajo Aqueduct - Segura


Of the two existing transfers in the Segura river basin district, the Tagus Transfer is the most important due to the volume of resource transfer.

Aportaciones históricas del ATS a la demarcación del Segura según parte oficial de la CHS

Source: Hydrological Plan of the Demarcation of the Segura 2015-2021

The maximum volume of the transfer amounts to 540 hm³ / year, according to current legislation, 110 hm³ / year for supply, 400 hm³ / year for irrigation and up to 30 hm³ / year for lower losses to be distributed among the user. agrarian and supply of Almería in the Andalusian Mediterranean Basins (GALASA).

It is necessary to highlight the insufficient guarantee of the ATS , which in just one year during its period of operation (from 1979 to 2011) has transferred the maximum potential volume for irrigation, 440 hm³ / year at source or 400 hm³ / year at destination, the average contribution being 196 hm³ / year at source or 176 hm³ / year at destination for the period 1979 to 2011.

You can obtain more detailed information at the following link:

Transfer from Negratín


The Negratín Transfer is contemplated in the Planning of the Mediterranean Hydrographic District of Andalusia and in the Planning of the Guadalquivir, for the transfer of resources from the Negratín reservoir to the Cuevas de Almanzora reservoir.

In the Report and Annex 6 of the Guadalquivir Hydrological Plan, the Negratín-Almanzora transfer is considered as a demand of 50 hm³ / year, with a deficit of 10.61 hm³ / year in the 2015 horizon, which would mean a transfer mean of 39.4 hm³ / year. From this average transfer, it is estimated that 17 hm³ / year are applied in the Segura basin.

For the 2027 horizon, the PHG 2009/15 for the transfer of Negratín-Almanzora on the aforementioned horizon establishes a deficit of 12.21 hm³ / year in the horizon 2027 on a demand of 50 hm³ / year, which would mean an average transfer of 37.8 hm³ / year. Therefore, 16 hm³ / year of resources transferred to Segura from the Negratín-Almanzora transfer will be considered for the 2027 horizon, on average.

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Certificación ISO 27001