encodedName: First-special-Plan-of-drought-(2007).-Repealed HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/caracterizacion/sequias/primer-plan-especial-de-sequia-2007.-derogado/index.html

First Special Drought Plan (2007). Repealed

In accordance with the mandate included in article 27.1 of the Law 10/2001 of the National Hydrological Plan , the Segura Hydrographic Confederation has carried out the work corresponding to the drafting of the Plan especially in situations of alert and eventual drought (PES)

Said Special Plan was approved by the Order MAM / 698/2007, of 21 March , approving the special action plans in alert situations and eventual drought in the areas of the inter-community river basin hydrological plans.

The general objective of the Special plan for situations of alert and eventual drought (PES ) , is to minimize the environmental, economic and social impacts of eventual drought situations, as well as to improve the management of water resources during situations of scarcity in the basin and tries to define both the Organization of human and technical resources of the Confederation, its interrelation with users and the general public affected by these situations and actions of both an administrative and emergency structural nature (for the provision of extraordinary resources) and demand management.

Already at the time the Protocol for Action in Droughts established the first structural and administrative measures aimed at mitigating the effects of the Drought that was already occurring at the time of its drafting, which has been carried out taking into account both the Guide for the Drafting of Special Drought Plans prepared by the General Directorate of Water of the Ministry of the Environment as well as the aforementioned Protocol for Action in Droughts

Vaso del Embalse de Fuensanta (Año 2006)

Specific objectives

  • Guarantee the availability of water required to ensure the health and life of the population.
  • Avoid or minimize the negative effects of droughts on the ecological state of water bodies, especially on the ecological flow regime, avoiding, in any case, permanent negative effects on said state, in accordance with the provisions of Article 4.6 of the Water Framework Directive.
  • Minimize the negative effects on urban supply.
  • Minimize the negative effects on economic activities, according to the prioritization of uses established in water legislation and in hydrological plans and sectoral and territorial planning strategies.

Instrumental objectives

  • Define mechanisms for forecasting and detecting drought situations.
  • Set thresholds for phases of progressive severity of droughts.
  • Define measures to achieve the specific objectives in each phase of drought.
  • Ensure transparency and public participation in the preparation and application of the Plans.

Complete documents of the Special Action Plan in Alert Situations and Eventual Drought

Strategic environmental assessment of the PES. Environmental Sustainability Report (ISA)

The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) or environmental assessment of plans and programs is a preventive instrument to integrate environmental aspects into decision-making of public plans and programs that may have significant effects on the environment, either directly through its own determinations, either because they establish the framework for the future authorization of projects legally subject to environmental impact assessment.

The E.A.E. is an instrument provided for in Directive 2001/42 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, whose transposition into Spanish law has been made through the Law 9/2006 , of April 28, published in the BOE of April 29, 2006.

Rambla del Cárcavo(Murcia)

The E.A.E. It is an environmental assessment process that must be carried out in parallel to the plan itself, interactively throughout its development and decision-making process.

According to article 8 of the cited Law 9/2006 , the object of the Environmental Sustainability Report (ISA)  PDF Document (4 MB) is to identify, describe and evaluate the possible significant effects on the environment that may derive from the application of Special plan for alert situations and possible drought (PES) , in order to achieve its environmental integration, taking into account its objectives and the territorial scope. < / p>

The Environmental Sustainability Report (ISA)  PDF document (4 MB) is one of the documents through which the strategic environmental evaluation process of the Plan is made explicit, with which that in addition to recording the aforementioned integration of environmental aspects, it facilitates public consultation and participation in its preparation.

Esquema simplificado del Procedimiento de Evaluación Ambiental Estratégica

Public participation

The General Directorate for Environmental Quality and Assessment, General Secretariat for the Prevention of Pollution and Climate Change of the Ministry of the Environment as an environmental body and the Segura Hydrographic Confederation as a substantive body or promoter of the PES, submitted, in accordance with the provisions in articles 10 and 21 of the Law 9/2006 on evaluating the effects of certain plans and programs on the environment, to the mandatory consultation phase, the version draft of the Special Plan for Alert Situations and Eventual Drought (PES).

For this purpose, the interested public has participated through all the mechanisms established in the legislation of the Public Administrations and the common administrative procedure (Law 30/1992 and amendments).

For the purposes of defining the interested public, the aforementioned article 10 of the Law 9/2006 is transcribed.

Article 10. Consultations.

  1. The consultation phase on the preliminary version of the plan or program, which includes the environmental sustainability report, involves the following actions:
    1. Made available to the public.
    2. Consult the public administrations concerned and the interested public, who will have a minimum period of 45 days to examine it and make observations.
  2. For the purposes of this law, interested public shall be understood as:
    1. Any natural or legal person in which any of the circumstances provided for in article 31 of Law 30/1992 , of November 26, on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and the Common Administrative Procedure.
    2. Any non-profit legal person that meets the following requirements:
      1. That it has as accredited purposes in its statutes, among others, the protection of the environment in general or that of any of its elements in particular, and that such purposes may be affected by the plan or program in question. < / li>
      2. That has been legally established for at least two years and has been actively exercising the activities necessary to achieve the purposes set forth in its statutes.
      3. The Local Entities consulted may incorporate an express pronouncement about the sustainability of the plan or program.

The email address is also available participacion.publica at chsegura.es for the formulation of consultations and comments on the evaluation process.

The preliminary versions of the Special Action Plan in Alert Situations and Possible Drought and its corresponding Environmental Sustainability Report (ISA) PDF Document (4 MB) have been available on this website and the corresponding allegations have been made on them.

In particular, they were forwarded by the Presidency of the Agency to the members of the Governing Board, to its Permanent Commission, to the members of the Water Council and the corresponding allegations were made.

After the period of allegations, the Basin Water Council was convened for March 12, 2007, in order to submit the mandatory report indicated in art. 27 section 2 of the law 10/2001 of the National Hydrological Plan .

Finally, the Hydrographic Confederation has prepared the Plan proposal, by including in the preliminary version submitted to public consultation the considerations and proposals derived from the Environmental Sustainability Report, the allegations made in the consultations and the Environmental Report of the special action plan in alert situations and eventual drought in the Segura hydrographic basin Documento PDF (194 KB).

The Special Plan for Alert and Eventual Drought Situations has been approved by the Order MAM / 698/2007 , of March 21, which approves the special action plans in situations of alert and eventual drought in the areas of hydrological plans for inter-community basins .

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