encodedName: Status-of-water-masses HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/caracterizacion/usos-demandas-y-presiones/estado-de-las-masas-de-agua/index.html

State of the water bodies

You can consult detailed information on the state of each of the water bodies of the demarcation in the Annex 8." Environmental objectives " ZIP Document (104 MB) of the Hydrological Plan of the Demarcation of the Sure.

State of surface water bodies

Ecological status:

The ecological status classification of natural surface water bodies has been made according to the codes indicated in the following table:

In those cases in which the ecological status of a body of water has not been possible to assimilate it to one of the exposed categories and it has only been possible to characterize it as "Less than Good Condition", it has been chosen to attribute these bodies color equal to "Moderate" status, for graphic representation purposes only.

There are three groups of natural surface water bodies in the Segura river basin district: natural water bodies of the river category, natural lake-type water bodies and natural coastal-type water bodies. The results obtained for each of these types are shown below.

Ecological State of the natural water bodies of the river category:

Of the 69 water bodies in the river category, 13 of them have been classified with very good ecological status, 22 of them with good condition, 19 of them with moderate status, 9 with poor status and 6 with an ecological status. bad. Therefore, 34 bodies of water (49% of the total) have an ecological status of less than good.

Estado ecológico de las masas de agua superficiales naturales de la categoría río

Source: Hydrological Plan of the Demarcation of the Segura 2015-2021

Ecological Status of natural water bodies in the lake category:

As established in the Demarcation Hydrological Plan, the body of water in La Laguna de la Hoya Grande de Corral-Rubio has been evaluated with a BAD ecological status.

Ecological Status of natural water bodies in the coastal waters category:

Of the 14 natural coastal water bodies, 1 of them has been classified with very good ecological status, 12 with good status and 1 with moderate status (Mar Menor). Therefore, 1 body of water (7% of the total) has an ecological status of less than good.

Estado ecológico de las masas de agua costeras naturales

Source: Hydrological Plan of the Demarcation of the Segura 2015-2021

Ecological potential:

The ecological potential classification of highly modified water bodies (HMWB) of the Segura River Basin District is summarized in the following table:

Source: Segura Demarcation Hydrological Plan 2015-2021

In the case of the 3 artificial water bodies (assimilable to reservoirs), all of them have good ecological potential.

Chemical Status:

The classification of the chemical state of surface water bodies has been made according to the codes indicated in the following table:

Of the 114 surface water bodies, 100 of them have a good chemical state (88%), while 14 of them do not reach a good state (12%).

Estado químico de las masas de agua de la DHS

Source: Segura Demarcation Hydrological Plan 2015-2021

Global Status:

The state of a surface water body is determined by the worst value of its ecological status / potential or its chemical status.

Of the 114 surface water bodies, 14 of them are in very good condition (12%), 46 of them are in good condition (40%) and 54 of them are not in good condition (47% ).

Estado global de las masas de agua superficiales de la DHS

Source: Hydrological Plan of the Segura River Basin District 2015-2021

State of groundwater bodies

Quantitative status of groundwater bodies:

Of the 63 bodies of groundwater in the district, a poor quantitative condition has been evaluated for 41 bodies of groundwater in the district (65%).

The quantitative status of the groundwater bodies is reflected in the following figure, which has been made according to the color codes indicated in the following table:

Quantitative status of the groundwater bodies of the DHS

Chemical status of groundwater bodies

Of the 63 bodies of groundwater in the district, a poor chemical condition has been evaluated for 27 bodies of groundwater in the district (43%).

Chemical state of the groundwater bodies of the DHS

Source: Hydrological Plan for the Demarcation of the Segura 2015-2021

Estado global de las masas de agua subterránea

Of the 63 bodies of groundwater in the district, 17 of them achieve good global status (27%), while 46 bodies do not achieve good overall status (73%).

Global state of the groundwater bodies of the DHS

Source: Hydrological Plan for the Demarcation of the Segura 2015-2021

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