encodedName: Preliminary-assessment-of-flood-risks-(EPRI) HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/caracterizacion/zonas-inundables-y-gestion-del-riesgo/evaluacion-preliminar-de-riesgos-de-inundacion-epri/index.html


Guadalentín Valley. Flood of Saint Wenceslas. 09/28/2012 (Lorca. Murcia)


In accordance with section 1 of article 21 of Royal Decree 903/2010, of July 9, on the Evaluation and Management of Flood Risks,, the preliminary flood risk assessment will be updated no later than December 22, 2018, as continuation every six years.

For this purpose, the documentation of the review and update of the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment corresponding to the second planning cycle of flood risk management of the Segura River Basin District is exposed on this WEB page, once the term has expired. of public consultation ((BOE no. 188, August 4, 2018), and the review and update approved by Resolution of the Secretary of State for the Environment ((BOE no. 126, of May 27, 2019).

Following the revision and update done, has remained the 43 ARPSIs demarcation, 22 transitional river and coastal and 21, to expand the number of sections of ARPSI river or fluvio-pluviales of 148-153 tranches, thus making a total of 571,84 km of track. The details are available on the following documentation.

La delimitación de las Áreas de Riesgo Potencial Significativo de Inundación (ARPSI) revisada y actualizada correspondiente al segundo ciclo se puede descargar en:


In compliance with the mandate established in Directive 2007/60/CE, ttransposed into our legal system by Royal Decree 903/2010, of July 9, on the Evaluation and Management of Flood Risks, the Segura Hydrographic Confederation (CHS), In 2010, with the collaboration of the Civil Protection Services of the Autonomous Communities and the General State Administration, it carried out a preliminary assessment of the risk of flooding in the area of ​​the Segura River Basin District, in order to identify the areas with the highest flood risk, known as Areas of Significant Potential Risk of Flooding (ARPSI).

On the other hand, the General Directorate of Sustainability of the Coast and the Sea of ​​the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, has also carried out the evaluation of the risk of flooding caused by the sea in coastal areas, thus identifying the ARPSI of marine origin.

The result of both works, synthesized in the document called "Preliminary evaluation of the risk of Flooding in the Segura River Basin District. Report and annexes", was submitted to public consultation for a period of fifteen days through its presentation on the website of the CHS, in accordance with the abbreviated administrative procedure provided for in the First Transitory Provision of the aforementioned Royal Decree, and favorably informed by the National Civil Protection Commission prior to its submission to the European Commission.

For public knowledge, the definitive documentation of the first cycle is exposed on this WEB page:


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