encodedName: Educen-project HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/caracterizacion/zonas-inundables-y-gestion-del-riesgo/proyecto-educen/index.html

EDUCEN Project

Logo proyecto Educen


Horizon 2020 is the program of the European Union that finances research and innovation projects in different thematic areas that in the current period 2014-2020 based on the following specific pillars: addressing the main social challenges, promoting industrial leadership and reinforcing excellence in its scientific basis.

The Segura Hydrographic Confederation is part of a project that has obtained the support of this community program called EDUCEN, made up of 10 participants from 7 different countries: Wageningen University (Netherlands), I-Catalist (Spain), SL, Polytechnic di Milano (Italy), National Research Council of Italy-ater Research Institute (Italy), Center for Systems Solutions (Poland), Stockholm Environment Institute (Sweden), Volos Development Company (Greece), Akut Institute (Turkey), Faculty of Military Sciences-Netherlands Defense Academy (Netherlands).

Educen is a project that started in May 2015, focused on studying the role that culture and relationships between different social groups play in risk management in the face of natural disasters.

The project has 7 case studies, cities in different member countries of the consortium with considerable risk of suffering natural disasters such as floods, droughts and earthquakes. The CHS contributes as a case study the t.m. de Lorca and its vulnerability to floods.

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