The international conventions signed by Spain, the European directives and the national and regional legislation establish a series of different categories of protected areas, each one with its specific protection objectives, its normative base and the corresponding requirements when designation, delimitation, monitoring (monitoring) and provision of information (reporting).
Sierra del Segura (Albacete)
Depending on the normative base applicable to the different categories of protected areas, these are designated and controlled by different administrations (competent authorities) and for some it is the Hydrological Plan itself that designates them.
In the Basin Hydrological Plan, the regulations related to the designation of the different types of protected areas present in the demarcation are summarized through the following table:
Type of protected area | EU / International regulations | National regulations | ||
Law | Royal Decree | Ministerial Order | ||
1. General provisions | DMA Art. 6 y Anexo IV | TRLA Art. 42, 99 bis y Disp. adic. 11ª | RPH Art. 24, 25 | IPH cap. 4 |
2. Funding for supply | DMA Art. 7 | TRLA Art. 99 bis 2a) | RPH Art. 24 2a) | IPH 4.1 |
Dir. 75/440 Art. 1, 3 y 4 (derogada por la DMA) | ||||
3. Future fund-raising for suppl | DMA Art. 7 (1) | TRLA Art. 99 bis 2b) | RPH Art. 24 2b) | IPH 4.2 |
4.1. Fishes | Dir. 78/659 (derogada por la Dir. 2006/44) | - | RD 927/1988 Art. 79 y 80 (derogado por el RPH) | IPH 4.3 |
Dir. 2006/44 Art. 4 y 5 (versión codificada, deroga la Dir. 78/659) | ||||
4.2. Mollusks | Dir. 79/923 (derogada por la Dir. 2006/113) | - | RD 571/1999 Art. 7 y Anexo Cap. I (deroga el RD 345/1993 que a su vez deroga el RD 38/1989) | |
Dir. 91/492 Anexo (parcialm. modif. por la Dir. 97/61) | ||||
Dir. 2006/113 Art. 4 y 5 (versión codificada, deroga la Dir. 79/923) | ||||
5. Recreational use | Dir. 2006/7 Art. 3 (deroga la Dir. 76/160) | - | RD 1341/2007 Art. 4 (deroga el RD 734/1988) | IPH 4.4 |
RD 1471/1989 | ||||
6. Vulnerable areas | Dir. 91/676 Art. 3 | - | RD 261/1996 Art. 3 y 4 | IPH 4.5 |
7. Sensitive areas | Dir. 91/271 Art. 5 y Anexo II | RDL 11/1995 Art. 7 | RD 509/1996 Anexo II | IPH 4.6 |
8. Protection of habitat or species | Dir. 2009/147/CE Art. 3 y 4 (deroga la Dir. 79/409/CE) (aves) | Ley 42/2007 Art. 42, 43, 44 y Anexo III (deroga la Ley 4/1989) | RD 1997/1995 (modificado por RD 1193/1998 y RD 1421/2006) | IPH 4.7 |
Dir. 92/43 Art. 3 y 4 (hábitat) | ||||
9. Mineral and hot springs | Dir. 80/777 Anexo II | Ley 22/1973 Art. 23 y 24 | IPH 4.8 | |
10. Fluvial natural reserves | - | TRLA Art. 42 ap. 1.b.c’) (artículo introducido por la Ley 11/2005) | RPH Art. 22 | IPH 4.9 |
11. Special protection zones | - | TRLA Art. 43 | RPH Art. 23 | IPH 4.10 |
12. Wetlands | Convención de Ramsar | Instrumento de adhesión de 18.3.1982, Art. 1-3 | RD 435/2004 Art. 3 y 4 | IPH 4.11 |
Source: Hydrological Plan of the Segura Demarcation 2015-2021
In accordance with the regulations set forth in the table above, the Segura Demarcation Hydrological Plan 2015-2021 distinguishes the following protected areas in the Segura Hydrographic Demarcation:
Type of protected area | No. of protected areas | Proposed protected areas | Total (declared and proposed) | |
Water catchment areas for supply | Continental surface supply | 8 | -- | 8 |
Underground | 104 | -- | 104 | |
Coastal | 6 | -- | 6 | |
Total | 118 | -- | 118 | |
Future water catchment areas for supply | 1 | -- | 1 | |
1 | -- | 1 | ||
Protected areas for economically significant aquatic species | Mollusc production | 7 | -- | 7 |
Fishing interest | 3 | -- | 3 | |
Total | 9 | -- | 9 | |
Recreational water bodies (including bathing water) | Coastal | 122 | -- | 122 |
Total | 122 | -- | 122 | |
Vulnerable areas | 9 | -- | 9 | |
Total | 9 | -- | 9 | |
Sensitive zones | Continental | 5 | -- | 5 |
Transition | 1 | -- | 1 | |
Coastal | 1 | -- | 1 | |
Total | 7 | -- | 7 | |
Habitat or species protection areas | ZEPAS | 37 | -- | 37 |
LICs | 73 | -- | 73 | |
Total | 110 | -- | 110 | |
Protection perimeters of mineral and thermal waters | 10 | -- | 10 | |
Total | 10 | -- | 10 | |
River nature reserves | 0 | 8 | 8 | |
Total | 0 | 8 | 8 | |
Special protection zones | 0 | -- | 0 | |
Wetlands | Ramsar and / or INZH | 9 | 122 | 131 |
Total | 9 | 122 | 131 | |
Total protected areas (declared and / or proposed) | 325 | 130 | 535 |
For more information on each of the protected areas, you can consult Annex 4. Protected Zones ZIP Document (27 MB) of the Hydrological Plan of the Segura Hydrographic Demarcation, as well as their respective sheets
(4 MB).
Laguna de Petrola (Albacete)