encodedName: Ojos-drive HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/infraestructuras/trasvase-tajo-segura-y-postrasvase/infraestructura/postrasvase/canal-principal-de-la-margen-derecha/impulsion-de-ojos/index.html

Ojós pumping station

The main function of Ojós Pumping Station is that of pumping the volume of water required to supply the canal.

To do this, it takes the water from the Ojós reservoir, through an underground canal, and pumps it up into the Sierra de Ricote, covering a difference of level of 150 m of manometric height.

The Ojós Pumping Station is considered to be the largest in Spain for irrigation and supply.

Pump Pipe at Ojós

Consisting of four sets of engine-pumps capable of raising a volume of 23 m³/s. Each engine, three-phase synchronous, has a power of 10,200 kW, supplied at a voltage of 10,000 volts, which operates a radial flow centrifugal pump, of one inlet and one step, with a unitary flow of 5,750 l/s. Each set has an outlet pipe of 1,200 mm of inner diameter that go to a common collector used for pumping at off-peak times with the purpose of reducing the repercussion of the price of the kWh on the cubic metre pumped.

Ojós Pumping Station

Certificación ENS media
Certificación ISO 27001