encodedName: Crevillente-pumping-station HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/infraestructuras/trasvase-tajo-segura-y-postrasvase/infraestructura/postrasvase/canal-principal-de-la-margen-izquierda/embalse-de-crevillente/index.html

Crevillente reservoir

Located in Barranco del Bosch, in the municipal district of Crevillente, with a capacity of 13 million cubic metres and a dam built of loose materials with a height of 54.50 m and a crest length of 360 m, it permits the regulation of the irrigation of the areas of the Left Bank Levante Irrigation.

Crevillente Reservoir

In order to pump the water up from the canal to this reservoir, at a height of 25 m, there is a pumping station with four vertical centrifugal pumps of a nominal flow rate of 2500 l/s connected to their respective 3 kV 1150 HP three-phase asynchronous engines and with a synchronous speed of 750 r.p.m.

Crevillente Pumping Station and Crevillente Reservoir Bed

Certificación ENS media
Certificación ISO 27001