encodedName: Administrative-file-procedure HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/infraestructuras/trasvase-tajo-segura-y-postrasvase/tramitacion-del-expediente-administrativo/index.html

Administrative file procedure

  • 5th February 1968
    The Preliminary Plan for the Tagus-Segura Aqueduct is technically approved.
  • 8th February 1968
    The General Preliminary Plan is approved and the order given to make it public.
  • 2nd March1968
    It is publicly announced in the State Bulletin. (During this time the great interest aroused by he project was made clear, as of the 58,770 appearances made, approximately 52,000 were in support of the work).
  • 13th September 1968
    The Council of Ministers authorises the Tagus-Segura Aqueduct works and orders the creation of an Agriculture-Public Works Coordination Commission. The term for the information to be made available to the public is extended until 10th May.
  • 24th May 1968
    The economic study of the Tagus-Segura Aqueduct is sent to the National Economy Council.
  • 12th June 1968
    The National Economy Council approves the economic study report at its plenary meeting.
  • 15th June 1968
    The General Preliminary Plan is sent to the Public Works Council.
  • 8th July 1968
    The public information report on the General Preliminary Plan is referred to the Public Works Council and the Directorate-General for State Litigation.
  • 17th July 1968
    The Public Works Council issues its report.
  • 24th July 1968
    The Directorate-General for State Litigation issues a report on the public information carried out.
  • 26th July 1968
    The public information report motion for resolution is sent to the Directorate-General for State Litigation.
  • 30th July 1968
    The Directorate-General for State Litigation issues a report on the public information report motion for resolution.
  • 2nd August 1968
    The Minister for Public Works determines the public information report, definitively approves the Preliminary Plan and orders that the Final Design for the Tagus-Segura Aqueduct be drawn up.
  • 13th September 1968
    The Council of Ministers authorises the carrying out of the Tagus-Segura Aqueduct works to be undertaken and orders the creation of an Agriculture-Public Works Coordination Commission.
Certificación ENS media
Certificación ISO 27001