encodedName: Contributions-to-the-provisional-scheme-of-important-issues HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/planificacion/planificacion-2009-2015/aportaciones-al-esquema-provisional-de-temas-importantes/index.html

Contributions submitted to EpTI

The public consultation of the Interim Outline on Important Issues began with Resolution 48.123 / 08 of the General Directorate of Agua , published in the Official State Gazette dated July 30, 2008, in which the opening of the public consultation period of the “Provisional Scheme of Important Issues of the Segura Hydrographic Demarcation” was announced, during a space of 6 months, until January 31, 2009, fulfilling in turn the objectives established by the Framework Directive of Water (Directive 2000/60 / EC of the European Parliament) .

During this period, 459 contributions were received from different entities that can be grouped into 16 types depending on the contributing entity. It is necessary to record that 351 citizens have submitted the same contribution.

These contributions were received through the email addresses, which the Segura Hydrographic Confederation made available during the public participation process, in the holding of the sectorial and territorial roundtables, as well as through official records of the various Administrations.

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Certificación ISO 27001