encodedName: Planning-process HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/planificacion/planificacion-2009-2015/el-proceso/index.html

Planning process

The central component of the Water Framework Directive (Directive 2000/60/EC) is constituted by what are called the basin hydrological plans, which have to be drawn up at hydrographic demarcation level and are the main tool for achieving the good water status of every "water mass" defined in the demarcation.

Image of the River Segura in Minas (Albacete)

Good water status will involve both environmental and physicochemical objectives for good water status and the quantitative objectives in the case of underground waters.

The Segura Hydrographic Confederation seeks to make effective public participation in the planning process and, therefore, in this area of the website you will find the information necessary to understand and participate in this process.

Hydrological Plan and Environmental Memory

In the BOE of 7 June 2013, by Resolution of the General direction of water announced the opening of the public consultation period of documents “ project proposal and Hydrological Plan environmental sustainability Report ” on the hydrological planning process of the river basin district of safe, for a period of 6 months.

The writings with suggestions, comments and suggestions received in this phase of public consultation are housed in space Input to the project Plan hidrológico and the report of Environmental sustainability.

After the analysis of these inputs, was brought to the attention of the board of water of demarcation a new proposal for the Hydrological Plan of the River Basin District Safe who issued, at its meeting of 19 December 2013, favourable report on the proposal, subject to modifications in its rules.

After processing has been published in the BOE dated 12 July 2014 the Hydrological Plan Hydrographic demarcation of Safe 2009-2015.

The Segura Hydrographic Demarcation's Schema of Important Issues

On 30 April 2013 has been the council of water of the river basin district of safe as main collegial body of participation and planning. Comprises 84 members representing the all relevant public administrations (state, autonomous communities and local entities), users and organizations and associations interests defenders environmental, economic and social).

At the same meeting has been informed favourably the final version of the outline of Important Topics that is considered the starting point for the closure of the draft Plan hidrológico the demarcation of Safe.

The Segura Hydrographic Demarcation's Provisional Schema of Important Issues

Resolution 48.123/08 of the Water Department, published in the Official Spanish Gazette of 25 July 2008, announced the opening of the period of public consultation of the “Segura Hydrographic Demarcation's Provisional Schema of Important Issues”, with a 6-month deadline to submit the corresponding contributions.

The document “Segura Hydrographic Demarcation's Provisional Schema of Important Issues” submits to social debate the description and assessment of the main water-related problems in the demarcation of the Segura and the possible alternative measures with regard to achieving the planning objectives by the year 2015.

River Mundo. Riopar. (Albacete)

The Schema of Important Issues will serve, once the contributions made during the public participation process have been considered, as the basis for drawing up the Hydrological Plan Project and will enable the drafting of the initial proposal of the programme of measures to be implemented as from 2010, once the Hydrological Plan has been approved. See all allegations

In order to facilitate public participation, two sessions of the 8 territorial committees are scheduled during the 6 months public consultation period, in addition to a series of communications in the press and on radio and television.


The final version of the outline of Important Topics of the river basin district of safe as stated in Article 79 of RPH must be object of the corresponding report prescriptive. For reasons of complexity in the articulation of competence in water, which have resulted in a significant delay in the formation of the councils of water of reparations, the Royal decree 1161/2010, of 17 September, has provided that may be the old water Council of the basin or, failing that, the ruling Junta basin agency who emit the above report prescriptive on the outline of Important topics, with the agreement of the Competent Authorities Committee. To this end met the council of water of the basin on 18 November 2010.

Reference document for environmental assessment

On 6 August 2008, as laid down in Article 18 of Act 9/2006 of 28 April, on evaluation of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment, the Hydrographic Confederation of Safe referred to the General Conducting Quality and environmental assessment of the ministry of agriculture, food and Environment the necessary documentation to initiate the procedure of environmental assessment.

After a wide consultation process competent public administrations and entities and public interested approves the 21 April 2009 the reference document for the development of environmental sustainability Report Strategic (ISA) 2009-2015 hydrological Plan of the river basin district of Safe.

This document will guide and introduces various issues related to environmental planning and other general policies of environmental protection, without abandoning their own that environmental legislation considers and that should be taken into account in the drafting of ISA that the body promoter (The Hydrographic Confederation of Safe) should develop along the draft plan.

The Initial Strategic Environmental Assessment Document

This document was produced by the Segura Hydrographic Confederation, as the Promoting Agency of the Segura Hydrographic Demarcation's Hydrological Plan, and is addressed to the Environment Agency, in this case the Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs.

It serves as the basis for producing the benchmark document that the Environment Agency will send to the interested parties during the scoping.

The initial document for the commencement of the Strategic Environmental Assessment process of the Segura Hydrographic Demarcation's Hydrological Plan includes, in addition to the introduction and a background analysis:

  • Synthetic description of the Hydrographic Demarcation.
  • The objectives and effects of the Hydrological Plan. Current and foreseeable situation.
  • The scope and content of the planning, the proposals and their alternatives.
  • The scheduled implementation of the plan.
  • The foreseeable environmental effects.
  • The effects on other sectorial planning.

Initial Documents

With Resolution 50.073/07 of the Water Department, published in the Official Spanish Gazette of 25 July 2007, announced the opening of the period of public consultation of the initial planning process documents, with a 6-month deadline to submit the corresponding contributions..

At the end of this first phase, 38 contributions have been received, which focus on different aspects that include environmental issues such as ecological flows and environmental demands, resources, consumption and demands, in addition to considerations on the articulation of the public participation process itself.

After analysing and verifying the contributions, the consequent modifications were made to the initial documents "Programme, Calendar and Consultation Forms" and "Public Participation Project". The contributions regarding the contents of the "General Demarcation Study" will be taken into account in the subsequent documents within the process and in the Hydrological Plan itself.

Example of vegetation on Las Cenizas Mountain. Portman (Murcia)

Basic Information

In accordance with the provisions of Article 2, Title II of the Hydrological Planning Regulation (Royal Decree 907/2007 of 6 July) governing public participation in the planning process and in compliance with the "Public Participation Project" a selection of the basic information that is relevant to the planning process and should be at the disposal of interested parties, is listed below.

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