Article 14 of the Water Framework Directive (Directive 2000/60 / EC) states that Member states will encourage the active participation of all stakeholders in the implementation of the Directive and in the development of hydrological plans.
Stakeholders are considered to be:
And several levels of participation are established which are:
Public participation is not simply another stage of the implementation process but is considered a crucial component in the implementation of the WFD Water Framework Directive .
This conference aims to encourage and encourage maximum possible participation in the consultation process started with the Resolution 50.073 / 07 of the General Directorate of Water , published in the Official State Gazette dated July 25, 2007, announcing the opening of the public consultation process of the hydrological planning process and the publication of the initial documents of the planning process:
The Conference took place on October 30 at the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Murcia, Plaza San Bartolomé nº3, 30004 Murcia.
Mr. José S. Fuentes Zorita and Mr. Mario Urrea in the presentation
The Conference took place with the following participations:
D. Mario Urrea Mallebrera, Head of the CHS OPH.
Download presentation (17.9 MB)Presentation of the Conference
Round table I. The Competent Authorities and the planning process in the Segura Demarcation
Round table II. Users in the planning process in the Segura Demarcation
In both tables a lively debate was established between the members of the same and the attendees.