encodedName: Agrarian-round-table HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/planificacion/planificacion-2009-2015/eventos-de-planificacion/f1_mesa-agraria.html


In accordance with the intention of the MMA to make active participation in the planning process effective and as indicated in the "Project Public participation " In the planning process, the constitution of various sectoral tables has been planned.

The purpose of these tables is to establish the appropriate framework to develop such active public participation between social and economic agents and the Hydrological Planning Office of the Segura Hydrographic Confederation.

Cultivos hidropónicos en San Pedro del Pinatar (Alicante)

The most representative entities in the sector are represented at the agrarian sectoral table, which is the largest in number of members. The largest group is made up of irrigation communities with different origins of water (surface, underground, transfer), while agrarian unions, entities that group agricultural cooperatives and associations of agricultural entrepreneurs are also called. </ p>

The members initially proposed for the agrarian sectorial table are the following:

  • Agrarian unions : ASAJA-Albacete, ASAJA-Murcia, ASAJA-Alicante, ASAJA-Almería, COAG- IR Murcia, COAG-IR Castilla La Mancha, COAG-IR Almería, COAG-IR Valencia , UPA-Murcia, UPA-Castilla La Mancha, UPA-Andalusia, UPA-Valencian Country.
  • Social economy : Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives of Murcia (FECOAM), Union of Agricultural Cooperatives of Castilla La Mancha (UCAMAN), Provincial Union of Agricultural Cooperatives of Alicante (UPCAA), Andalusian Provincial Federation of Companies Agricultural Cooperatives - Almería.
  • Agricultural entrepreneurs : Association of canners from Alicante, Albacete and Murcia, Association of Exporting Producers of Fruit, Table Grapes and other Agricultural Products. Murcia (APOEXPA), Provincial Federation of Entrepreneurs of Fruit and Horticultural Products of Alicante. (FESPAL), Association of Producers-Exporters of Fruit and Vegetables of the Region of Murcia (PROEXPORT), Spanish Association of washed fruits and vegetables ready for use (IV Range) (AFHORLA).
  • Irrigation Communities : Central Union of Irrigators of the Tajo-Segura Aqueduct (SCRATS), CR de Lorca, Riegos de Levante Left Bank, CR Campo de Cartagena, CR El Porvenir, CR El Acueducto, CR Pilar de la Horada, Central Board of Irrigation Users of the Segura, Central Board of Users Vega Norte del Río Segura, Board of Landowners Huerta de Murcia, Private Court of Aguas Orihuela, Private Court of Aguas del Azud de Alfeitamí, Private Court of Water de Callosa, CR Martínez Parras, CR Blanca, CR Abarán, CR Riegos de Levante (Right Bank), CR de Pinoso, CR de Crevillente, CR Jumilla Cañada del Judío, CR Ascoy, Benís and Carrasquilla, CR Mazarrón, CR Águilas and CR de Pulpí, Central Board of irrigators of Alto Segura

FIRST MEETING (11/29/2007)

The first meeting of this Socioeconomic Sectorial Table was held on November 29, 2007, at 10:00 am in the Winter Room of the Nelva Hotel (Avenida 1º de Mayo 9, Murcia, T: 968 060200).


Mesa Agraria. Foto 1

Mesa Agraria. Foto 2

Mesa Agraria. Foto 3

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