encodedName: Socio-economic-round-table HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/planificacion/planificacion-2009-2015/eventos-de-planificacion/f1_mesa-socioeconomica.html


In accordance with the intention of the MMA to make active participation in the planning process effective and as indicated in the "Project Public participation " In the planning process, the constitution of various sectoral tables has been planned.

The purpose of these tables is to establish the appropriate framework to develop such active public participation between social and economic agents and the Hydrological Planning Office of the Segura Hydrographic Confederation.

Río Segura a su paso por el casco urbano de Orihuela (Alicante)

Segura River as it passes through the urban area of ​​Orihuela (Alicante)

The socioeconomic sector table includes 5 types of entities. The most representative trade union organizations of the Demarcation, employers' federations, chambers of commerce of all the territories of the Demarcation, and different consumer associations would be represented. The participation of UPCT scientific-technical personnel will also be available.

The members initially proposed for the socioeconomic sector table are the following:

  • Territorial Unions of the UGT and CCOO unions : UGT-Murcia, UGT-Castilla La Mancha, UGT-Valencian Country, UGT-Andalucía, CC.OO.- Murcia Region, CC.OO .- Castilla La Mancha, CC.OO -Andalucía, CC.OO -Valencia Country.
  • Confederations of entrepreneurs : Regional Confederation of Business Organizations of Murcia (CROEM), Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Albacete (FEDA), Confederation of Business Organizations of the Province of Alicante (COEPA), Business Confederation of the Province of Almería (ASEMPAL).
  • Official Chambers of Commerce : Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Murcia; Lorca Official Chamber of Commerce; Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Cartagena; Albacete Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation; Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Almería; Orihuela Official Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Alicante.
  • Federations of Consumer Associations : Federation of Consumers and Users Association of the Region of Murcia; Federation of Associations of Consumers and Users of Andalusia-FACUA; Consumers Union of Castilla-La Mancha; Federation of Associations of Consumers and Users of the Valencian Community (F.A.C.U.CO.VA.)
  • Polytechnic University of Cartagena

FIRST MEETING (11/22/2007)

The first meeting of this Socioeconomic Sectorial Table was held on November 22, 2007, at 10:00 am in the Board Room of the Segura Hydrographic Confederation (Plaza de Fontes nº1 30001 Murcia)


Mesa Socioeconómica. Foto 1

Mesa Socioeconómica. Foto 2

Mesa Socioeconómica. Foto 3

Mesa Ambiental. Foto 7

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