encodedName: Territorial-round-table-zone-5 HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/planificacion/planificacion-2009-2015/eventos-de-planificacion/f21_mesa-territorial-zona-5.html

Territorial table held in Mula 09/30/2008

To motivate the analysis and comment on the "Provisional Scheme of Important Issues", as well as to make active participation in the planning process effective, the Segura Hydrographic Confederation has scheduled a series of meetings of the Territorial Tables.

All the different interested parties that requested their inclusion in the registry of the Segura Hydrographic Confederation and with geographical implantation in the territory of each one of the tables have been summoned to all these territorial tables

Attendees at the territorial table held in Mula on September 30, 2008 were:

  • "El Cigarralejo" Naturalist Association
  • Mula Town Hall
  • CCOO of the Region of Murcia
  • COAG Murcia
  • Community of Irrigators of the Cierva Swamp
  • Ministry of Health of the Region of Murcia.
  • UPA Murcia

Mesa Territorial Zona 5. Foto 1

Mesa Territorial Zona 5. Foto 2

Mesa Territorial Zona 5. Foto 3

Mesa Territorial Zona 5. Foto 4

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