encodedName: Territorial-round-table-zone-3-(2) HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/planificacion/planificacion-2009-2015/eventos-de-planificacion/f22_mesa-territorial-zona-3.html

Territorial table held in Jumilla 11/18/2008

After holding the first round of territorial tables and in order to debate different concertation proposals for each of the Important Issues exposed in each one, as well as to analyze consensual solutions to the exposed problems, the Segura Hydrographic Confederation has considered adequate the holding a second round of territorial tables.

As in the first round, the different interested parties who requested their inclusion in the registry of the Segura Hydrographic Confederation and with geographical implantation in the territory of each of the tables have been summoned.

The entities represented at the territorial table held in Jumilla on November 18, 2008 have been:

  • COAG Jumilla
  • COAG Murcia
  • Irrigation Community "Miraflores"
  • Irrigation Community "Pozo El Romeral"
  • Cañada del Judío Irrigation Community
  • Mollidar-Portichuelo Irrigation Community
  • Irrigation Community Pozo de las Puntillas
  • Irrigation Community Pozo Román
  • Irrigation Community Pozo Santiago
  • Irrigation Community Santo Cristo de la Encebra
  • Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport of the Generalitat Valenciana
  • Government Delegation in the Region of Murcia
  • Excma. Provincial Deputation of Alicante
  • HE Villena Town Hall
  • HE Yecla Town Council
  • San Pascual Hydraulics
  • Intecsa
  • Central Board of Users of the overexploited aquifer Ascoy-Sopalmo.
  • SAT nº 1536 Casa de los Ardochos
  • SAT nº 3481 of Pinoso
  • UPA Murcia

Mesa Territorial Zona 3. Foto 1

Mesa Territorial Zona 3. Foto 2

Mesa Territorial Zona 3. Foto 3

Mesa Territorial Zona 3. Foto 4

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