encodedName: Territorial-round-table-zone-1-(3) HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/planificacion/planificacion-2009-2015/eventos-de-planificacion/f3t_mesa-territorial-zona-1.html

Territorial table of the Segura and Mundo y Sureste de Albacete Headwaters held in Hellín 24/09/2013

The Segura Hydrographic Confederation has programmed a series of Territorial Tables in different localities of the Demarcation, with the aim of facilitating public participation during the new hydrological planning process, as well as encouraging contributions and comments to the documents "Proposal Project of the Hydrological Plan and Environmental Sustainability Report ”.

All the interested parties who requested their inclusion in the registry of the Segura Hydrographic Confederation have been summoned to each of these territorial tables.

The entities that have been represented at the territorial table held in Hellín on September 24, 2013 are:

  • Tedelche Canal Irrigation Community
  • Community of Irrigators Juan Martínez Parras
  • La Tedera Irrigation Community
  • Community of Irrigators Maesominas
  • Community of Irrigators Ontur Albatana
  • His Excellency Hellín City Council
  • His Excellency Letur City Council
  • Local Action Group of the Sierra del Segura
  • Socialist Group in the Hon. Hellín City Council
  • Socialist Group in the Regional Courts of Castilla-La Mancha
  • Central Board of Irrigators of Alto Segura
  • PSOE of Hellín
  • S.A.T. Ontur
  • S.A.T. Irrigation of Cancarix
  • General Union of Workers of Castilla-La Mancha
  • UPA Albacete
  • In a private capacity 1 assistant

Mesa Territorial Zona 1. Foto 1      Mesa Territorial Zona 1. Foto 2

Mesa Territorial Zona 1. Foto 3      Mesa Territorial Zona 1. Foto 4

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