encodedName: Share-Events HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/planificacion/planificacion-2015-2021/eventos-de-planificacion/index.html

Public Participation Events

At this time the date of the following calls has been closed:

The function of the sectoral tables is to establish a framework for active public participation between the social and economic agents, grouped by the sectors affected by the new Basin Hydrological Plan, and the Hydrological Planning Office of the Hydrographic Confederation of the Sure.

The following different sector tables are planned:

  • Agrarian and socioeconomic table.
  • Environmental and R + D + i table.
  • Supply table.
  • Table of coastal waters.

In these tables, apart from promoting public consultation of the Initial Documents of the public participation process, the suggestions or contributions made by the members of the tables to the planning process in general, and in particular, of the documents that are in the process of public consultation, within the new planning process.

It is also planned to hold territorial tables to promote public participation during the public consultation period of the proposed Hydrological Plan project. These tables respond to a geographical distribution consisting of regional groups, so that they bring together homogeneous stakeholders in terms of the sector of interest and with implantation in the corresponding regions.

The territorial tables that will be convened are:

  • Headwaters Segura and Mundo y Sureste de Albacete
  • Altiplano-Vinalopó
  • Northwest of Murcia and Mula
  • Vegas and South of Alicante
  • Southwest
  • Campo de Cartagena

County groups

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