encodedName: Monitoring-reports HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/planificacion/planificacion-2015-2021/informes-de-seguimiento/index.html

Monitoring report

The Hydrological Planning Regulation, approved by Royal Decree 907/2007, regulates in its Title III the Monitoring and Review of Hydrological Plans.

Thus, in Article 87 regarding the Monitoring of Hydrological Plans, the obligation to inform the Demarcation Water Council and the Ministry about the development of the plans.

In turn, Article 88 of the Regulation on aspects to be monitored, indicates that the following will be taken into consideration:

  • The evolution of natural and available water resources and their quality.
  • The evolution of water demands.
  • The degree of compliance with the ecological flow regimes.
  • The state of surface and groundwater bodies.
  • The application of the programs of measures and effects on water bodies.




Río Segura. Cañon de Almadenes

Certificación ENS media
Certificación ISO 27001