encodedName: Planning-process HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/planificacion/planificacion-2022-2027/el-proceso-de-elaboracion/index.html


On this page you can consult the information regarding the final document and the process followed for the revision of the Hydrological Plan of the Segura river basin district for the 2022/27.

The definitive documents corresponding to each of the stages of preparation of the Plan, the reports issued and the contributions received in the different periods of public consultation are made available.

Snowy landscape at the sources of the Mula River

Hydrological Plan of the Segura river basin district 2022-2027

By Royal Decree 35/2023, of January 24 (BOE of February 10, 2023), the revision of the Hydrological Plans of the hydrographic demarcations of the Western Cantabrian, Guadalquivir, Ceuta, Melilla, Segura and Júcar, and the Spanish part of the eastern Cantabrian, Miño-Sil, Duero, Tajo, Guadiana and Ebro river basin districts.

Previously and by Resolution of November 10, 2022, of the General Directorate of Quality and Environmental Assessment, a joint strategic environmental statement of the Hydrological and Hydrological plans had been formulated. of Flood Risk Management of the Segura River Basin District for the period 2022-2027.

The complete documents of the approved Plan and the strategic environmental study are available at the following links.

Public consultation of the Hydrological Plan Project

On April 8, 2022, the Segura Demarcation Water Council reported favorably on the Segura Hydrographic Demarcation Project Hydrological Plan 2022/27 and agreed with the consent of the Committee of Competent Authorities to submit it to the Government, for approval, through the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.

A proposal for the aforementioned Draft Plan, prepared in accordance with the Scheme of Important Issues in water management, had previously been submitted to public consultation by Announcement of the General Directorate of Water, June 1, 2021 by which it was agreed to start the period of consultation and public information of the documents entitled "Hydrological Plan Project Proposal", "Flood Risk Management Plan Project Proposal" and "Joint Strategic Environmental Study" referring to the processes of review of the aforementioned planning instruments corresponding to the Western Cantabrian, Guadalquivir, Ceuta, Melilla, Segura and Júcar river basin districts and the Spanish part of the Miño-Sil, Duero, Tagus, Guadiana and Ebro river basin districts.

The contributions received both to the Draft Plan proposal and to its Strategic Environmental Study, which served to improve the documents submitted for public consultation, are included below.

Public consultation of the Outline of Important Demarcation Topics 2022-2027

The Scheme of Important Issues regarding water management in the demarcation was reported favorably by the Water Council of the Demarcation on December 23, 2020.

With this report, a stage of public participation initiated by the Announcement of the General Directorate of Water which begins the period of public consultation of the documents entitled "Provisional Scheme of Important Issues" corresponding to the third cycle review process of the hydrological plans of the Western Cantabrian, Guadalquivir, Ceuta, Melilla, Segura and Júcar river basin districts and the Spanish part of the Eastern Cantabrian river basin districts (in the area of competence of the General State Administration), Miño-Sil, Duero, Tagus, Guadiana and Ebro.

Due to the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the deadline was extended until October 30, 2020.

During that time it was possible to make contributions, observations and suggestions in order to participate in the development of the Scheme of Important Issues.

The final document relating to the Major Issues Scheme is as follows:

Public consultation of the initial documents of the hydrological planning process 2022-2027

On October 19, 2018, the General Directorate of Water of the Ministry for Ecological Transition announced the opening of the public consultation period for the documents "Program, Calendar, General Study on Demarcation and Consultation Formulas" with which it began to the hydrological planning process of the third cycle (2022-2027) in this Segura river basin district.

This process was carried out jointly with the demarcations of the Western Cantabrian Sea, Guadalquivir, Ceuta, Melilla and Júcar and the Spanish part of the Eastern Cantabrian Sea, Miño-Sil, Duero, Tagus, Guadiana and Ebro.

During a period of 6 months from the day following the aforementioned date, it was possible to make contributions to the documents and formulate as many observations and suggestions as deemed appropriate, addressed to this Segura Hydrographic Confederation, O.A..

The definitive documents corresponding to the Segura Hydrographic Demarcation are indicated below:

The contributions received during this process are the following:

Tus River in Los Calarejos. Siles. Jaén

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