encodedName: Territorial-table-Segura-header HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/planificacion/planificacion-2022-2027/eventos-de-participacion/f3_mesaterritorial_elchedelasierra.html

Territorial table Segura Header

This Table Territorial has been held on 27 october 2021 in the House of Culture of Elche de la Sierra, with the aim of bringing the various territories of the Demarcation to be able to debate on agenda items and measures included in the Draft Plan Hydrological and may affect them directly.

Attended by mayors of municipalities in the area, the staff of the Delegation Provincial agriculture, water and Rural development in Albacete, representatives of communities of regantes, association of Environmentalists and civil Engineering company of INGESAGUA water.

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Certificación ISO 27001