encodedName: Territorial-table-Vegas-High-and-a-half-of-the-Segura-mule-and-Northwest HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/planificacion/planificacion-2022-2027/eventos-de-participacion/f3_mesaterritorial_murcia.html

Territorial table Vegas High and a half of the Segura, mule and Northwest

This Table Territorial was held on 25 november 2021 in Sala de Cultura Cajamar, Plaza de Julian Romea 4. Murcia at 11:00 hours with the aim of bringing the various territories of the demarcation to be able to debate on agenda items and measures included in the draft Plan Hydrological and may affect them directly.

Representatives have attended of regional administrations and local communities, regantes, professional colleges, research bodies and representatives of public enterprises.

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