encodedName: Elements-of-quality-and-indicators HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/redes-de-control/calidad-en-aguas-superficiales/elementos-de-calidad-e-indicadores/index.html

Quality elements and indicators

Surveillance, reference and operational control network

The parameters, metrics and indicators to be determined are established in the DMA and the annexes of Royal Decree 817/2015. The following table shows the quality indicators established for the evaluation of each quality element with its associated sampling frequency (for more information on the indicators analyzed in the scope of the CHS, consult the “Reports on the status of surface water bodies< /a>” available in the Reports section):

The sampling and analysis techniques applied follow the protocols in force at all times approved by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge:

In the monitoring programs, other additional parameters are analyzed that are not established by the regulations, such as other metals, emerging contaminants, compounds on the Watch list (Execution Decision 2018/840 of June 5, 2018), etc.< /p>

The sediment and biota matrices are analyzed annually according to the frequency and parameters established in Royal Decree 817/2015.

Control network of protected areas:

  • Water intended for the production of drinking water: priority substances discharged and pollutants discharged in significant quantities are controlled, paying special attention to substances that affect the state and are regulated in the annex I of Royal Decree 140/2003, of February 7, which establishes the health criteria for the quality of water for human consumption. The regulations establish a frequency based on the number of inhabitants, which can vary from monthly to quarterly, but the Agency carries out the control on a monthly basis in all stations. In the case of stations located in reservoirs, the trophic level is evaluated.
  • Nutrient control in sensitive areas. Nitrogen and phosphorous compounds are monitored according to Directive 91/271/EC and the frequency depends on the program associated with the mass and the strategic location of the sampling point, and can be quarterly or monthly.
  • Control of nutrients in bodies of water affected by nitrates: monitoring of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds is carried out, as established by Directive 91/676/EC, the control should be monthly for one year , however, it is carried out every year on a monthly basis.
  • Habitat or species protection zones: the same quality elements are controlled and with the same frequency as the control program assigned to the mass, and the environmental requirement established by be included in the Natura 2000 Network, which is Phosphorus (total phosphorus <= 0.6 mg).
  • Fluvial nature reserves: the same quality elements are controlled and with the same frequency as the control program assigned to the mass.
Certificación ENS media
Certificación ISO 27001