encodedName: Technological-and-functional-extension-and-updating-of-the-SAIH--Segura HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/redes-de-control/saih/ampliacion-y-actualizacion/index.html

Technological and functional extension and updating of the SAIH_Segura

The current SAIH has incorporated new sensors corresponding to new functionalities and infrastructures regarding those initially existing. However, some distortion exists between all the infrastructures implemented and in operation and their integration in the SAIH.

On the other hand, due to the evolution of the component technologies since their implementation, especially that of computer science, communications and instrumentation (sensors), it has been necessary to consider a technological and functional review and update in accordance with currently existing demands.

At present, a Project is being drawn up for the Extension and Updating of the Segura River Basin Automatic Hydrological Information System, which should be completed towards the end of 2006.

Amongst its main contents, we have the incorporation of all the flood abatement dams built as part of the Flood Control Plan, the installation of new rain gauges in low density areas of the existing network, principally at headwaters, and the inclusion of additional control points in order to improve and optimize the management of the resource and minimize unwanted effects in water courses and canals.

This extension incorporates important technological-functional novelties, such as telemetry and remote control installations at points that are considered to be significant. Furthermore, the above-mentioned project also considers the technological updating of the SCADA communications. The technological-functional updating of the communications is designed to allow the real-time transfer of different data formats possible today and necessary for improving and optimizing global water management: data, voice, images (photographs, video), and remote control.

Finally, we must indicate that the official data on rainfall and other meteorological variables corresponding to the Segura basin are those determined and provided by the Competent Body, the National Institute of Meteorology. The S.A.I.H. data are of no official validity, as we have already mentioned, since they are for the exclusive use of the CHS, to assist those managing the hydraulic infrastructures in use in their taking of decisions.

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Certificación ISO 27001