encodedName: Hydrometry HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/redes-de-control/saih/contenidos/hidrometria.html


In essence, it consists of the set of projects that have the basic goal of providing reliable hydrological databases, that is, with verifiable quality. For this purpose, certain specifications or protocols have been defined to first detect and then correct the possible errors occurring associated with the different component variables of the hydrological databases; that is, filtering the direct and calculated variables provided by the System.

SAIH Application Management Systems

Prior to filtering operations and in co-ordination with field personnel, the status or situation of the system is examined daily in order to detect and identify the possible errors.This is carried out by an application developed for the purpose and implemented automatically at 07:00 every day, with information corresponding to the previous 24 hours, drawing up a situation report for supervision and, if appropriate, action at office level and in the field. The figures in the previous page correspond to the aforementioned application: SAIH Application Management Systems.

In particular, this activity includes the definition, generation, maintenance, processing, filing and custody of the system's hydrological databases, with associated quality, making it possible to obtain a significantly increased quantitative and qualitative basic hydrological information on the basin Currently, the Segura SAIH provides a total number of variables which, in round figures, exceeds those given in the attached table:

Filtering for the different types of variables (Rainfall, levels, flows, etc.) is carried out in accordance with their specific specifications. Three types of data have been defined for quality purposes: unverified data obtained in real time, non-consolidated filtered data and consolidated filtered data. The latter constitute the historical database, they are of better quality and they are consolidated yearly, closing a complete hydrological year. To carry out this work, a computer application has been developed called: SAIH Data Filtering Management System:

SAIH Data Filtering Management System

Charts corresponding to the filtering protocol associated with each sensor with the layout of the different filtering processes

Direct gauging campaigns

Every year, a gauging campaign is conducted in accordance with a schedule based on priorities assigned to the different existing gauging points; as a complement, gauging statistics and incidences are recorded at each gauging point. The use curves are updated and catalogued taking the preceding information into account.

In order to process, statistically analyse and manage the associated gauges, data and parameters, and especially to obtain and update the use curves, a computer application or Gauging Management System has been developed, which includes utilities for irrigation channels and data Logger.

Direct gauging entrance to Tagus-Segura aqueduct

Capacity Management System that includes utilities for irrigation channels y data Logger

On the basis of the databases provided by the SAIH telemetry network, yearbooks are obtained associated to the control points for the variables associated with previously selected characteristic alphanumeric and graphic information and with the possibility of use in different formats, to be placed at the disposal of the different users involved in the operation. As an example, a sheet-report from the yearbook corresponding to the series level/flow of a SAIH gauging station is attached.

Gauging Series

It is important to clarify that the databases provided by the SAIH are those provided by the different telemetry networks that comprise the system. These networks were designed in the initial project with a clearly differentiated priority towards defence against floods and over time they have been improved and/or modified for the new uses or functionalities exclusively required by the different Confederation users; the information provided by the SAIH has had to be supplemented, in certain cases, with information from other River Segura Hydrographic Confederation sources.

In particular, the SAIH rainfall network provides information on rainfall recorded in its automatic rain meters. The information provided is of paramount importance for understanding the situation of the basin, because of its immediacy and temporal resolution. But it cannot replace in any way the data and processing of "Agencia Estatal de Meteorología", which is the competent body in this field.

The rainfall data obtained and, as appropriate, those provided by the Confederation, come from own sources and will not coincide with those published by the "Agencia Estatal de Meteorología, AEMET".

In any case, despite the imperative lack of real time comparison and the existing limitations, the information provided by the SAIH enables SHC managers to have sufficiently relevant information, orders of magnitude and trends to support decision-making, even in real time, in the spheres of their responsibilities.

Certificación ENS media
Certificación ISO 27001