encodedName: Civil-Work HOST: https://www.chsegura.es/en/cuenca/redes-de-control/saih/infraestructura/obra-civil/index.html

Civil work

The SAIH Segura Project includes only the civil works required for the installation of the rest of the technological components, as well as to obtain sections of water control in rivers, canals and wadis, where the use of the existing infrastructures was not possible.
Without going into large hydraulic infrastructures such as reservoirs, dams, pumping stations, etc., whose consideration and sensorization have been fundamental, the civil work carried out in the Project, and which is currently still the object of maintenance and conservation as part of the ordinary activity, can be divided in two:

  • Civil works in contact with water, such as gauging stations and control points in beds, canals and wadis, limnimetric scales, stilling wells, etc., and,
  • Obra civil sin contacto directo con el agua como los caminos de acceso, las casetas, canalizaciones, arquetas, cerramientos, estructuras de elevación para situar las casetas sobre los niveles de ciertas avenidas extraordinarias, etc.

Weir in Segura river, downriver from Cenajo

Long-throated flume - Left bank distribution canal head

Parshall flume - Tajo-Segura Aqueduct tailwater

Most of the huts of the SAIH-Segura are pre-fabricated, made of fibre cement sheeting on a concrete slab. The main advantages of this type of structure are:

  • Resistance of the materials used against temperatures.
  • Economic and quickly assembled.
  • Easy to transport to isolated spots.
  • Integrates well into the environment.

Pre-fabricated hut with photovoltaic panels.La Venta del Castillo

Pre-fabricated hut equipped with satellite communication (V-SAT) Fuensanta reservoir

Certificación ENS media
Certificación ISO 27001